View Full Version : S11, Episode 7 - From Farm to Runway
09-04-2019, 05:31 PM
First lewk:
09-04-2019, 05:42 PM
welp Ra'Jah's really doing herself no favours :joker:
09-04-2019, 05:45 PM
Looks like a good challenge
Bet Vanjie and Plastique serve the same looks they have been all season tho
09-04-2019, 05:48 PM
A'keria looked so over it @ the challenge am screaming :joker:
09-04-2019, 06:41 PM
Looks like a good challenge
Bet Vanjie and Plastique serve the same looks they have been all season tho
All the build up makes it seem like one of them will change it up and do well and one will do the same and be in the bottom (my guess is Vanjie will win this week)
09-04-2019, 07:35 PM
Preview for the ep showed Michele coming for Vanjie so I don’t think she wins :laugh:
09-04-2019, 07:37 PM
Ra'Jah needs to go now, she's tired
09-04-2019, 07:43 PM
12-04-2019, 04:24 AM
Only seen the lipsync but oh boy, it's a good one :clap1: that point right at the end of it by the winning queen :joker:
12-04-2019, 11:12 AM
Good episode but not too sure why they keep bringing back queens from other seasons for no real reason
The Alyssa thing was pointless, didn’t really add anything and just seemed like a sneaky way to plastique a confidence boost :shrug: and it worked even though yet again it was just another corset with some **** glued on
Vanjie shouldn’t have been safe with that look, it was crap :umm2:
Vanjie definitely got a free pass this ep, she should've been in the bottom 3 at least!
I really dont like Yvie, shes so pretentious and attention seeking shes one of those nina bonina/acid betty queens that thinks shes something else. and im bored of the whole 'my lifes so much harder but i do so much better than you' attitude.
I actually thought Rajah looked pretty good tonight but it was her time 100%, im gonna miss her confessionals though, she was a scream :joker:
12-04-2019, 01:35 PM
ra'jah going :clap1: a'keria being the one to send ha ass packing :clap1:
12-04-2019, 01:37 PM
NN @ silky in untucked saying she thinks yvie is gonna go :joker:
12-04-2019, 01:40 PM
'i'd say yvie is in the top for sure'
'that's shocking :umm2:'
12-04-2019, 02:39 PM
Ra'Jah and A'Keria being the bottom two for those looks was a choice.
If A'Keria's critique was for not using enough of the materials, then why the hell was Brooke Lynn in the top 3 for just gluing a few candied oranges to her standard clothing?
I love her but I would've put Nina in the bottom two with Vanjie. I'm really tired of Vanjie now. Just not delivering at all.
I'd have ranked the runways:
1) Plastique/Yvie
2) Plastique/Yvie
3) Silky
4) Ra'Jah
5) Shuga
6) A'Keria
7) Brooke
8) Nina
9) Vanjie
Amy Jade
12-04-2019, 03:08 PM
I don't think Nina should have been bottom 3 at all, Vanji was much worse this runway.
I've gone off Yvie massively again this week and am glad Ra'Jah is out
12-04-2019, 03:13 PM
Ra’Jah was kinda iconic, more so because it was clear she was so bad and never going to win and it was just her insecurities talking and her trying to grab some last minute airtime. Like she literally managed to come for Plastique getting upset about her family.
This episode kinda just felt like filler - I don’t see why they would put the ball first cause it made this seem like a less exciting design challenge
Vanjie’s look was the worst of the week hands down - she should’ve been B2 with Ra’Jah and Nina B3
The challenge seemed to be more about selling it on the runway and A’Keria did that!
12-04-2019, 04:58 PM
Why was Plastique allowed to freely steal Rajah's material :eyes:
12-04-2019, 05:02 PM
The dance performance was so pointless and also pretty unfair when you think about it, Yvie didn't have to learn any of the choreography and yet pretty much was the focus of the performance, I don't see how they can assess her in that challenge against the others.
12-04-2019, 05:07 PM
The main show edit makes it look like Silky is obsessed with hating on Yvie but it's clear from these last few Untuckeds that Yvie is the one with the issue smh.
Also screamed @ this line:
"You really think that being safe every week is gonna get you somewhere?"
"Sasha Velour was safe every week... and she won :shrug:"
Okay so....
I really don't think Plastique should have won, and it was clearly just a narrative thing. They're talking so much this season about queens doing the same thing over and over, and Plastique turned out a Corset AGAIN (albeit pristine and stunning), and won? I don't like Yvie, but that win was hers.
Vanjie is getting quite tiresome ngl. I can't stand the screaming! I was actually shook when she used her real voice when she was emotional last week. Also her look was kinda dreadful, but understandably they didn't want to have Vanjie and Akeria in the B2.
Shuga Cain really is the Dida Ritz of this season :skull:
Nina West is such a sweetie :love: So kind and receptive to criticism.
Akeria KILLED the lipsync. I died when she told Ra'Jah to strut at the end.
I am REALLY enjoying this season, maybe it's just bc it's the first I've watched live though.
12-04-2019, 05:46 PM
A’Keria KILLED it in the lip sync, one of the best solo performances in herstory.
The judging was all over the place this episode :umm2:. Plastique deserved the win (Yvie and Silky should’ve been high alongside her), Brooke/Nina/Shuga should’ve been safe and Ra’Jah deserved B2 alongside Vanjie (with A’Keria low) in my opinion.
Thrilled Ra’Jah has gone, just a low rent version of The Vixen who was bad enough as it is.
Silky/Yvie are both coming off as pathetic in this feud tbh. I’m probably Team Silky more, but even she is coming across childish.
13-04-2019, 02:58 AM
Whew chilE- that Untucked!
13-04-2019, 03:01 AM
"Three pats on the back for mediocrity and beans"
AHhhhhhhhhhhs sksksks
13-04-2019, 03:03 AM
Ra'Jah trying to get them to volunteer to lip sync cos she knows ha ass is doomed :skull:
13-04-2019, 03:07 AM
Ra'Jah coming for Plastique then AH HEH HEM at Shuga :skull:
13-04-2019, 03:11 AM
i'm here waiting for Vanjie to throw hands
13-04-2019, 05:37 AM
:worship: that Untucked
YET AGAIN Yvie was the one that instigated everything and then got to play victim and it's working, playing right into the teenage fandom and their "omg she's so different!!!!" buzz.
1) The Silky thing was almost 50/50 but if you watch Untucked, Silky is making childish comments / predicting Yvie will be in the bottom 3. Yvie then decides to bring it up, of her own accord, the second they get backstage and reveal who the tops and bottoms are ("I have to get something off my chest", etc etc etc) and makes it completely confrontational. Again.
2) Silky did come across as an asshole though, making the same verbal contracts again about wanting to be in the B2 with Yvie to send her home, saying America will love her :skull:
3) HOWEVER, Yvie was 100% in the wrong with the Vanjie argument. Vanjie offers an olive branch and tries to quash their "who said who should go home" nonsense, and admits that her reasoning was silly and she had no reason to say anyone, but Yvie completely goes off the handle and starts calling her a fake friend, saying she doesn't care, yadayadayada. I absolutely got my life the second Vanjie exploded at her, and I hope Yvie shat herself a bit.
4) Ra'Jah's accusations about Plastique lying about her family are uncomfortable but I'm not going to jump in and immediately say she's wrong, because the impression from the workroom interaction with RuPaul was incredibly along the lines of "I am all alone, I have no family :( help me mother Ru :(" and the message from home did indeed contradict that somewhat. I fully appreciate Ra'Jah took it too far and was out of line, but it got me thinking...
5) The episode itself was a HUGELY-EDITED mess in favour of Plastique. I refuse to believe that getting in Alyssa when they knew she was Plastique's drag-mom was a coincidence, especially since she was only drafted in to "teach them how to walk". Runways are something Alyssa...isn't really that famous for on Drag Race. (Attach clip: Santino calling her dress the ugliest of all time). And most telling of all, that workroom moment was an absolute goldmine for RuPaul, Michelle, and their whole spiritual mambo-jambo "we must make these girls worship our line of thought and make them go on our journey!" It's also prime Emmy-nomination fodder, and makes the show/Ru look saintlike and is lucrative emotional-capital, this whole "queen breaks down, exposes her vulnerability, wins the challenge!!! woww!!!!!! turnaround moment!!!!"
Anyway that's my long-ass overanalysing of some drama and I'm still gonna appreciate itf for what it was. My opinion lowered of Silky a bit, but I still think they're really delivering good TV now and I'm enjoying it a lot. Ra'Jah was a great queen for the show, and obviously this is all super-edited, extremely stressful for all of them, a competition, and silly, and they're all 3D, real people deserving of respect :clap2:
13-04-2019, 07:14 AM
:worship: that Untucked
YET AGAIN Yvie was the one that instigated everything and then got to play victim and it's working, playing right into the teenage fandom and their "omg she's so different!!!!" buzz.
1) The Silky thing was almost 50/50 but if you watch Untucked, Silky is making childish comments / predicting Yvie will be in the bottom 3. Yvie then decides to bring it up, of her own accord, the second they get backstage and reveal who the tops and bottoms are ("I have to get something off my chest", etc etc etc) and makes it completely confrontational. Again.
2) Silky did come across as an asshole though, making the same verbal contracts again about wanting to be in the B2 with Yvie to send her home, saying America will love her :skull:
3) HOWEVER, Yvie was 100% in the wrong with the Vanjie argument. Vanjie offers an olive branch and tries to quash their "who said who should go home" nonsense, and admits that her reasoning was silly and she had no reason to say anyone, but Yvie completely goes off the handle and starts calling her a fake friend, saying she doesn't care, yadayadayada. I absolutely got my life the second Vanjie exploded at her, and I hope Yvie shat herself a bit.
4) Ra'Jah's accusations about Plastique lying about her family are uncomfortable but I'm not going to jump in and immediately say she's wrong, because the impression from the workroom interaction with RuPaul was incredibly along the lines of "I am all alone, I have no family :( help me mother Ru :(" and the message from home did indeed contradict that somewhat. I fully appreciate Ra'Jah took it too far and was out of line, but it got me thinking...
5) The episode itself was a HUGELY-EDITED mess in favour of Plastique. I refuse to believe that getting in Alyssa when they knew she was Plastique's drag-mom was a coincidence, especially since she was only drafted in to "teach them how to walk". Runways are something Alyssa...isn't really that famous for on Drag Race. (Attach clip: Santino calling her dress the ugliest of all time). And most telling of all, that workroom moment was an absolute goldmine for RuPaul, Michelle, and their whole spiritual mambo-jambo "we must make these girls worship our line of thought and make them go on our journey!" It's also prime Emmy-nomination fodder, and makes the show/Ru look saintlike and is lucrative emotional-capital, this whole "queen breaks down, exposes her vulnerability, wins the challenge!!! woww!!!!!! turnaround moment!!!!"
Anyway that's my long-ass overanalysing of some drama and I'm still gonna appreciate itf for what it was. My opinion lowered of Silky a bit, but I still think they're really delivering good TV now and I'm enjoying it a lot. Ra'Jah was a great queen for the show, and obviously this is all super-edited, extremely stressful for all of them, a competition, and silly, and they're all 3D, real people deserving of respect :clap2:
This is absolutely correct. I saw an article in my feeds today about the death threats and hate Ra'jah got from this season and I didn't understand it. She wasn't my favorite queen but she is very talented and at the top of her craft for having been on drag race. I didn't see anything from her that was exceptionally volatile compared to past queens. I can't imagine having that much negative emotion towards these girls. Makes no sense.
just watched untucked and now i hate yvie even more
notice how she ran away when vanjie started fighting back :joker:
13-04-2019, 03:26 PM
I was starting to like Yvie a bit last episode, but this episode/untucked rolled that back
13-04-2019, 03:50 PM
I’m actually seeing some similarities between Yvie and PhiPhi (except from being edited in completely different ways)
They both give many opinions when it wasn’t asked of them but make out like they were just trying to help when really they were trying to get into people’s heads
God Yvie is just so condescending it’s awful
It’s weird how almost everywhere else there’s unanimous love for her but on here it seems to be unanimous dislike :joker:
They've been building Yvie/Silky final 2 all season. I'm here for it.
Why was Plastique allowed to freely steal Rajah's material :eyes:
All is fair in love and corn.
16-04-2019, 04:42 PM
Y'all will never EVER see a white queen get treated like this. Bookmark me idc. Makes me wish Drag Race was just cancelled so these hating ass losers have nothing to do with their lives.
16-04-2019, 04:44 PM
I screamed
16-04-2019, 04:48 PM
omfg yvie is absolute trash
goooo vanjie :cheer:
16-04-2019, 05:37 PM
I see that guy deleted his Instagram. Hope someone got a few good jabs in before he did.
Anyone rucap what it was about?
16-04-2019, 05:40 PM
I screamed
Rajah wasnt even that bad.. she was just a bit shady
16-04-2019, 06:14 PM
I see that guy deleted his Instagram. Hope someone got a few good jabs in before he did.
Nah he just changed his insta handle and set his account to private lmao. The gays won’t forget tho!!
17-04-2019, 01:38 AM
Nah he just changed his insta handle and set his account to private lmao. The gays won’t forget tho!!
Told ya!
17-04-2019, 01:47 AM
I still don't get the hate :shrug:
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