View Full Version : I FINALLY get my GCSE’s tomorrow!
22-08-2019, 01:16 AM
The day has COME! I remember posting in here about my subject options once so I’d like to update you all and say in a few hours I will have the RESULTS! Xx
good luck! Honestly don't worry about the grades. As long as you pass Maths and English you can get into college/get jobs (although you'll need science GCSEs for some jobs/you'll need to pass any subjects you want to study to college if you want to go)
Your GCSEs don't need to be higher than passes (or your college's grade requirements) for uni either, that'll all depend on A Levels (although Medicine degrees and Oxbridge students (and possibly other really prestigious unis) require you get good GCSEs)
What's next for you once you've got your GCSEs? I'd ask what you chose for GCSEs but I guess I'll find out later
22-08-2019, 03:09 AM
Good luck Jodie x
22-08-2019, 04:14 AM
Thank youse :love: I’m going Sixth Form next and I need 5 grade 4s (a 4 basically a grade C) to get in so fingers crossed! And yeah I’ll post what I got later haha x
But I still stand by the exam system is BOLLOCKS! Xx
Tony Montana
22-08-2019, 06:18 AM
Good luck. :fc:
22-08-2019, 07:35 AM
Good luck....let us know what you got x
22-08-2019, 09:10 AM
4 in German and Endish Literature
5 in Science, Maths, English Language and Computer Science
6 in RE and History
A 4 is basically a C so I got what I needed to get into sixth from yess woooo buzzing x
22-08-2019, 09:13 AM
Congrats. Stepson is getting his now and am a bit nervous as I told him I would give him money for results, but went a bit OTT...said 50 for a*, 40 for a, 30 b, 20 c. Forgot they had changed the grading am hoping he does well, but him doing too well will bankrupt me :laugh:
22-08-2019, 09:31 AM
Congrats. Stepson is getting his now and am a bit nervous as I told him I would give him money for results, but went a bit OTT...said 50 for a*, 40 for a, 30 b, 20 c. Forgot they had changed the grading am hoping he does well, but him doing too well will bankrupt me :laugh:
Thanks Vicky haha good luck to him x
22-08-2019, 09:37 AM
Congrats. Stepson is getting his now and am a bit nervous as I told him I would give him money for results, but went a bit OTT...said 50 for a*, 40 for a, 30 b, 20 c. Forgot they had changed the grading am hoping he does well, but him doing too well will bankrupt me :laugh:
Jesus Vicky....You could be skint! :laugh:
4 in German and Endish Literature
5 in Science, Maths, English Language and Computer Science
6 in RE and History
A 4 is basically a C so I got what I needed to get into sixth from yess woooo buzzing x
Well done!! What are you gonna study?
Thank youse :love: I’m going Sixth Form next and I need 5 grade 4s (a 4 basically a grade C) to get in so fingers crossed! And yeah I’ll post what I got later haha x
But I still stand by the exam system is BOLLOCKS! Xx
I really feel for you. I did the numbered English and Maths GCSEs (the rest of mine were graded with letters) and so I didn't have any coursework for English. I ended up doing well in English because we were given really nice questions about main characters but all the revision for copious amounts of poems and all these different themes and characters was overwhelming. With my other subjects I could use coursework as a safety net whereas you couldn't :worry:
The exam system got worse for you but I like to imagine the lack of coursework and harder exams will be good prep for college? Assuming you do A Levels
22-08-2019, 09:38 AM
4 in German and Endish Literature
5 in Science, Maths, English Language and Computer Science
6 in RE and History
A 4 is basically a C so I got what I needed to get into sixth from yess woooo buzzing x
Ah well done!!! Is a 6 and A then?
22-08-2019, 09:41 AM
Good luck Jodie , my daughter got hers today , she did really well , we are so pleased, Well done to you, and good luck with your future.
22-08-2019, 09:45 AM
I still have no idea why they changed it all
Especially so that like..2 numbers are the same grade. 5/6 is B. 7/8 A, but also 8/9 A* :/
22-08-2019, 09:59 AM
PM Boris Johnson about those who are getting their GCSE's today
I still have no idea why they changed it all
Especially so that like..2 numbers are the same grade. 5/6 is B. 7/8 A, but also 8/9 A* :/
When I had it explained to me, they said they wanted to add more numbers as time went on :worry:
No idea why they changed it, but apparently the 8/9 divide is to split the highest achievers from the higher achievers?
Congrats. Stepson is getting his now and am a bit nervous as I told him I would give him money for results, but went a bit OTT...said 50 for a*, 40 for a, 30 b, 20 c. Forgot they had changed the grading am hoping he does well, but him doing too well will bankrupt me :laugh:
Good luck to him, but if he tries to ask for money, say, "you got a 7, not an A, and I didn't say you'd get any money for a 7 :smug:"
He might be mad at you for a month but your bank account will thank you!
22-08-2019, 10:47 AM
When I had it explained to me, they said they wanted to add more numbers as time went on :worry:
No idea why they changed it, but apparently the 8/9 divide is to split the highest achievers from the higher achievers?
Erm, would it not be better to give each their own number then? Like 9 is a* but a* with a better score is 10. Rather than this D:
Good luck to him, but if he tries to ask for money, say, "you got a 7, not an A, and I didn't say you'd get any money for a 7 :smug:"
He might be mad at you for a month but your bank account will thank you!
Haha, thats pure evil. I might actually say this when he comes to collect..just to see what he does. Will still give him it like, but..this is a very good idea :D
Am sure he said he was taking 13. So thats, if he aced it 650 to give him :umm2: Really should have thought it through a little more rather than be spontaneous
Erm, would it not be better to give each their own number then? Like 9 is a* but a* with a better score is 10. Rather than this D:
Haha, thats pure evil. I might actually say this when he comes to collect..just to see what he does. Will still give him it like, but..this is a very good idea :D
Am sure he said he was taking 13. So thats, if he aced it 650 to give him :umm2: Really should have thought it through a little more rather than be spontaneous
I'm guessing they will do that/similar when/if they add more numbers to the grading system? So the "B/C" gets changed do one number represents a B and a C/a high B and low B(?) I've been through it and I don't get it :laugh:
Hasn't he got them yet, or does he mean when he comes to get his money?
13? That's heavy, 10 was hard enough for me and I had easier GCSEs :worry: I wish him the best and I'm sure you do but I wouldn't blame you if a part of you wished he didn't achieve too high for your purse's sake :laugh:
Fetch The Bolt Cutters
22-08-2019, 12:42 PM
My niece got hers this morning and i was like
Reading them bc the new number system is sf confusing idk why they didn’t just keep the letter grading system
22-08-2019, 09:30 PM
Thank you everyone :love: and yeah the number system is really confusing there was literally no reason to change it but yeah haha x
22-08-2019, 09:31 PM
Well done!! What are you gonna study?
Thanks :) and I’m studying Psychology, Sociology and ICT
Amy Jade
22-08-2019, 09:35 PM
Awwww well done! Glad you got the grades you needed x
22-08-2019, 10:04 PM
Congrats. Stepson is getting his now and am a bit nervous as I told him I would give him money for results, but went a bit OTT...said 50 for a*, 40 for a, 30 b, 20 c. Forgot they had changed the grading am hoping he does well, but him doing too well will bankrupt me :laugh:
For each grade? D:
22-08-2019, 10:37 PM
For each grade? D:
She trying to work out a loophole as we speck
22-08-2019, 10:47 PM
Hasn't he got them yet, or does he mean when he comes to get his money?
He has them, went to pick them up this afternoon. Apparently he wants to bring them over himself rather than just tell us on FB/phone/whatever, which does not sound promising (for my bank..does sound promising for him :p )
For each grade? D:
I didn't realise quite how many he was doing..I only did 8 I think. He was also losing motivation due to some family stuff so we wanted him to focus, and hes very focussed on money so seemed a good idea at the time.
Also, now we will have to do it for the others too when the time comes D:
22-08-2019, 10:51 PM
He has them, went to pick them up this afternoon. Apparently he wants to bring them over himself rather than just tell us on FB/phone/whatever, which does not sound promising (for my bank..does sound promising for him :p )
I didn't realise quite how many he was doing..I only did 8 I think. He was also losing motivation due to some family stuff so we wanted him to focus, and hes very focussed on money so seemed a good idea at the time.
Also, now we will have to do it for the others too when the time comes D:
Move to some where cold as there might not like places
He has them, went to pick them up this afternoon. Apparently he wants to bring them over himself rather than just tell us on FB/phone/whatever, which does not sound promising (for my bank..does sound promising for him :p )
You can twist it a bit! If he gets a 6, say, "that's the equivalent of a C" (instead of being a B) and pay what you promised him for a C, rather than a B :p but it's great (for everyone but your wallet) that he's done so well! :clap1:
22-08-2019, 11:14 PM
4 in German and Endish Literature
5 in Science, Maths, English Language and Computer Science
6 in RE and History
A 4 is basically a C so I got what I needed to get into sixth from yess woooo buzzing x
Congrats Jodie! Enjoy Sixth Form, I loved my two years at mine.
22-08-2019, 11:32 PM
You can twist it a bit! If he gets a 6, say, "that's the equivalent of a C" (instead of being a B) and pay what you promised him for a C, rather than a B :p but it's great (for everyone but your wallet) that he's done so well! :clap1:
Nah just going to pay up whatever it is really I think.
Edit. Plus, I am fairly sure he will have found a conversion chat thing and totted up his 'winnings' by now :D
23-08-2019, 12:08 AM
Thank you everyone x
Hope everyone here who got their results/knows someone who got them were pleased aswell I’m sure everyone did great :love:
Although RIP to your wallet Vicky haha :laugh:
...well done, did amazingly and enjoy your time at sixth form, a really special time for you...
....awww Vicky, well done to your stepson as well...maybe a huge hit to your bank balance but a really lovely thing for you to do, to help his motivation...:love:...who knew it would work so well..:laugh:..
23-08-2019, 06:54 PM
Thanks Ammi :love:
Tony Montana
23-08-2019, 06:55 PM
Congrats Jodie. :clap1:
Have a fantastic time at sixth form.
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