View Full Version : School Teachers, love them/hate them?

25-06-2007, 03:04 PM
Just like the thread title says...

When you are in the classroom at school and the Teacher is standing there, you need to look and listen and obey.

1) Any stories to tell?

2) Do you know a teacher who is gorgeous, that you just can't concentrate on your work?

3) Is there a particular Teacher that you either like or hate?

Without them, we'd never learn a thing:wink:

You can't always rely on your parents, ya' know:wink:

nodisharmony :angel:

25-06-2007, 03:06 PM
i hate some teachers but theres a few that i like but i wouldn't go as far as love them, i hate my ict one at the minute but hes better than last years my ict teacher last year stunk of b.o it was discusting he was stinking the place out

25-06-2007, 03:08 PM
I hate loads of mine, Speshically ICT, hes Strange, he acts strange around people, i hate the way he smiles at some of us in the class but hes better than the one i had last year, he was horrible, he found fun in embarrassing me, this one does aswell but not as much as he did.

25-06-2007, 03:08 PM
I've never had a fit teacher, which sucks - it'd make life a lot easier in lessons. I get bored and distracted WAY too easily so I don't learn anything, and I just end up cramming before exams... bit screwed then for my A Levels next year. I understand that they're there to teach and everything, but some just can't seem to control the pupils at all so it all seems like a waste of time in some lessons.

25-06-2007, 03:11 PM
I used to have a crush on my Science teacher.... ohhhh he was lovely and super cool as he used to let me and my friends hang out in the lab over break and watch video's and stuff.... then I found out much later on that he had been sacked for getting a student pregnant :shocked:

25-06-2007, 03:19 PM
School Teachers? Hmm thats a toughy!.

Although I wouldnt say i hated them, i mean i do like some of my teachers in my school. Who are very pleasant and nice towards me. But then there are others, who are nasty vile bullies who think they are superior to you because they are older. There is this one teacher of mine that when you ask him a question he tells you to shut up, then he makes you the focus of ridicule in front of your class and embarasses you if you dont know that answer to the question you have been asked, And if you say "Sorry Sir i dont know the answer" He says "Are you an idiot or something" meaning that because we didnt grasp the concept of what he meant he automaticly accused me of being stupid.i have spoken to my guidance teacher about him and its all been sorted now, But hate is a big word and it takes alot for me to hate someone.. but dislike with a vengous comes easily with me :wink:

25-06-2007, 03:39 PM
There are a few hotties in my school, one of them especially and she has the personality to go with her looks whearas the others are too up themselves.

Teachers generally though that teach me are really nice, really good teachers who I get along with. But i do have one who thinks being a teacher gives him the right to talk to me and other people like crap. Being 16 though, i'd obviously never let a puny 24 year old Science tit talk to me like that so he gets it straight back, as he does from the majority of the other students.

A lot of teachers say they ''want respect'' from the students and i'd happily give them the ''respect'' if they gave it also. Some teachers, (Science tit included) want to just take it and not give it and it irratates me.

Overall though, i've got a good set of teachers that teach me (I got lucky as there are some tossers) so that makes lessons a lot easier for me and it makes me more willing to learn. Mainly because i'd feel guilty pi$$ing about if the teacher was nice and didn't deserve it.

25-06-2007, 04:32 PM
There are a few good looking women teachers in my school, but there's one who just flaunts herself. She knows that everytime she walks in a room people are going to look her ass or something. She's so vain.

My Science teacher's really good looking and has a nice personality. For a doctor she's actually quite fit. :laugh:

25-06-2007, 04:53 PM
I remember when I was 12, 13 years old I think?

There was a teacher I really didn't like and she thought that I needed to see a psychologist.

Anyway, they had a school psychologist and she saw me and afterwards she said that I was an intelligent pupil of the school and the teacher ended up with a load of egg on her face, (So to speak) :laugh::laugh:

My parents hated her too, when they had to meet her at a PTA meeting.

We all find teachers we hate and love too, but for all kinds of reasons, I am enjoying reading some in this thread.

Keep'em coming:hello:

nodisharmony :angel:

25-06-2007, 04:56 PM
I love to hate them ! :laugh3:

25-06-2007, 04:56 PM
Oh i hate my old Science teacher aswell because when i got me GCSE modual results back, he implied i was stupid and looked down at me.

25-06-2007, 05:35 PM
There were many teachers that I liked, many I disliked and quite a few who I was just indifferent to and then there were the one's who were just incompetent.

I'll never forget this one teacher called Mr.Gibbons, if that name weren't enough ammo for a bunch of 13/14 year old kids to rip the piss out of this supply teacher he just upped the stakes when it came to his teaching, a style more suited to curing insomnia he would endlessly stumble his way through teaching us some maths, getting things wrong down the line and awaking us from our slumber to heckle him for getting simple stuff wrong and just having no control over us.

He'd pick out a handful of kids with a little too much to say back to him and make him look silly in the process or just because they were laughing at him and then told us he was going to get his erection oops Ericsson out and call the head, never could a teacher make such a bumbling fool of them self.He had asked the name's of some of us, Peter File one lad replied, he wrote that down along with Phil McCracken, sheer comedy.At the end of it nothing was done about it and this was the penultimate time we saw this sorry looking cross between John Major and an alien, he came back a couple of years down the line and anarchy ensued,people played darts while he insulted us and that was the last I've seen of him.Thank God.

25-06-2007, 05:39 PM
I really dislike (i wont say hate yet, but its close) my IT teacher, he's just evil i swear lol. Don't like my German teacher because he's just well, stupid, and he's from Germany too, so i don't do anything in class.. My maths teacher as well, he hates me, lol. And PE.. oh the list could go on.. I refuse to do Pe sometimes when I'm not in the mood so she has a go at me but I just don't care because PE is stupid :)
In conclusion, i think i hate a lot of teachers, well they hate me too lol.

25-06-2007, 05:41 PM
I am a teacher and all my pupils fancy me.

25-06-2007, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Moses455
I am a teacher and all my pupils fancy me.


25-06-2007, 05:45 PM
This is an interesting topic for a 39 year old man to start, seeing as he can't post in it. Are you trying to be the forum pied Piper Nick and get the younger forum members to follow you?

25-06-2007, 05:54 PM
Ooh. I have suddenly lost a karma point. No surprises in guessing who then. lol

25-06-2007, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by GiRTh
This is an interesting topic for a 39 year old man to start, seeing as he can't post in it. Are you trying to be the forum pied Piper Nick and get the younger forum members to follow you?

Ahh, you haven't been looking GiRTh:wink:

I have posted in it:hello:

says the pupil to the pupil:thumbs:

nodisharmony :angel:

25-06-2007, 06:45 PM
So do you think you 30 year old opinions are still valid. I'd take a back seat if I were you and let the people who are currently at school do most of the talking. After all, the thread is designed for them. Be honest.:thumbs:

25-06-2007, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by GiRTh
So do you think you 30 year old opinions are still valid. I'd take a back seat if I were you and let the people who are currently at school do most of the talking. After all, the thread is designed for them. Be honest.:thumbs:

Of course they are valid. I went to school and so does everybody.

This thread is about, whether or not, we loved or hated or teachers, etc....

I don't discriminate where age is concerned, neither should you:nono: Think on that!!

Back on topic please:mad:

nodisharmony :angel:

25-06-2007, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by nodisharmony
Originally posted by GiRTh
So do you think you 30 year old opinions are still valid. I'd take a back seat if I were you and let the people who are currently at school do most of the talking. After all, the thread is designed for them. Be honest.:thumbs:

Of course they are valid. I went to school and so does everybody.

This thread is about, whether or not, we loved or hated or teachers, etc....

I don't discriminate where age is concerned, neither should you:nono: Think on that!!

Back on topic please:mad:

nodisharmony :angel: Hmmmm. How many people not at school are contributing? I think YOU are the one discriminating and to be honest the whole thing leaves a nasty taste in my mouth to target younger forum members.

25-06-2007, 06:53 PM
The thread is about liking or hating teachers, we've all been to school.. so we've all had teachers, regardless of age. Please stick to the topic rather than point out members ages.

25-06-2007, 06:55 PM
The age matters. There's no point in me starting a thread about childrens TV now is there. IT would be too weird and quite frankly this thread is weird. It's all a bit creepy.

25-06-2007, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by GiRTh
The age matters. There's no point in me starting a thread about childrens TV now is there. IT would be too weird and quite frankly this thread is weird. It's all a bit creepy.

Girth, if you don't like the thread do not post in it. The topic is valid. Liking or hating teachers, it's not asking anything else.

25-06-2007, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Amy

Girth, if you don't like the thread do not post in it. The topic is valid. Liking or hating teachers, it's not asking anything else. it's creepy and you know it. A 40 year old man starting a thread that he knows will be used by teenagers. I don't like it one bit, so I'm bowing out.

25-06-2007, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by GiRTh
Originally posted by Amy

Girth, if you don't like the thread do not post in it. The topic is valid. Liking or hating teachers, it's not asking anything else. it's creepy and you know it. A 40 year old man starting a thread that he knows will be used by teenagers. I don't like it one bit, so I'm bowing out.

Bye GiRTh:xyxwave:

nodisharmony :angel:

25-06-2007, 07:04 PM
It's still creepy. No matter where I am, it's still icky.

25-06-2007, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by GiRTh
Originally posted by Amy

Girth, if you don't like the thread do not post in it. The topic is valid. Liking or hating teachers, it's not asking anything else. it's creepy and you know it. A 40 year old man starting a thread that he knows will be used by teenagers. I don't like it one bit, so I'm bowing out.

Again Girth, if you continue I shall issue a warning. This thread states do you like or hate teachers. We've all had teachers regardless of age.

25-06-2007, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by GiRTh
It's still creepy. No matter where I am, it's still icky.

I thought you said you were bowing out??

It was a nice thread until you spoiled it all:sad::sad:

and everyone can see that it was you who spoiled it, HA!:bigsmile:

nodisharmony :angel:

25-06-2007, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Amy
Originally posted by GiRTh
Originally posted by Amy

Girth, if you don't like the thread do not post in it. The topic is valid. Liking or hating teachers, it's not asking anything else. it's creepy and you know it. A 40 year old man starting a thread that he knows will be used by teenagers. I don't like it one bit, so I'm bowing out.

Again Girth, if you continue I shall issue a warning. This thread states do you like or hate teachers. We've all had teachers regardless of age. Why would I be warned. I can't remember my teachers and that is my point. Who on this forum is most likely to remember their teachers.

25-06-2007, 07:09 PM
I'm going to issue this warning a number of times today and remind EVERYONE of the TiBB rules....

These are the rules that you must abide by, to be able to participate on the ThisisBigBrother.com Forums:

Main rules...

1. Treat other forum members with respect, no insults. *Important*

2. Type posts properly and don't use text speech.

3. Don't post anything offensive.

If it continues warnings will be issued. Stick to the topic in hand.

25-06-2007, 07:23 PM
Speaking as an old 37 year old woman who just about remembers her teachers and has just spotted this thread through her old decrepid eyes:laugh:!
My favourite was my History teacher who gave me a passion for a subject I did not enjoy at all; my least favourite?.......Oh yes, my first year junior school teacher who was incredibly scrict and terribly scary. Poor Suzy Wadlow was actually tied to a chair all day by that teacher and another time the teacher whalloped her with a slipper even though it was prohibited by all bar the headmaster.....Mind you, I think we all would had liked to have seen Suzy Wadlow get the slipper!:laugh2:
Last I heard dear Suzy was doing two years for a drug offence.

25-06-2007, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by wiglet
Speaking as an old 37 year old woman who just about remembers her teachers and has just spotted this thread through her old decrepid eyes:laugh:!
My favourite was my History teacher who gave me a passion for a subject I did not enjoy at all; my least favourite?.......Oh yes, my first year junior school teacher who was incredibly scrict and terribly scary. Poor Suzy Wadlow was actually tied to a chair all day by that teacher and another time the teacher whalloped her with a slipper even though it was prohibited by all bar the headmaster.....Mind you, I think we all would had liked to have seen Suzy Wadlow get the slipper!:laugh2:
Last I heard dear Suzy was doing two years for a drug offence.

I had a history teacher who was totally outrageous...

He took us all out of the classroom and he told us all a big story and got pupils to participate in a dramatic historical scene and he turned us all into actors & actresses playing out the scene.

Nobody else could ever do that, especially the way he did it:spin:

Totally memorable, bad/good old days, but I hated school:yuk:

nodisharmony :angel:

27-06-2007, 03:34 AM
Originally posted by Amy
I'm going to issue this warning a number of times today and remind EVERYONE of the TiBB rules....

These are the rules that you must abide by, to be able to participate on the ThisisBigBrother.com Forums:

Main rules...

1. Treat other forum members with respect, no insults. *Important*

2. Type posts properly and don't use text speech.

3. Don't post anything offensive.

If it continues warnings will be issued. Stick to the topic in hand.

Amy, I realy dont mean to be disrespectful or anything, and I apologise if it appears that way, but today has been an eventful scary day and number one rule cannot be applied to everyone.

27-06-2007, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by potentialsuperstar
Originally posted by Amy
I'm going to issue this warning a number of times today and remind EVERYONE of the TiBB rules....

These are the rules that you must abide by, to be able to participate on the ThisisBigBrother.com Forums:

Main rules...

1. Treat other forum members with respect, no insults. *Important*

2. Type posts properly and don't use text speech.

3. Don't post anything offensive.

If it continues warnings will be issued. Stick to the topic in hand.

Amy, I realy dont mean to be disrespectful or anything, and I apologise if it appears that way, but today has been an eventful scary day and number one rule cannot be applied to everyone.

Rule no1 can and will be applied to everyone - everyone on this forum has equal status. Members dont get to pick and choose which members deserve respect.

On topic!
My Science teacher was a hoot, she had a really special way of making you feel stupid, if you did not behave in her lesson she would dream up weird punishments like one day she made me kneel on a piece of chalk for talking, she made on boy stand in a sink saying I'm a drip over and over again. These days she wouldnt get away with it!

27-06-2007, 09:48 AM
hate them all had like one nice teacher my R.E that was all.