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Pop Idol was on earlier and Aaron and Rik got through....poor Darius!!!
Anyway the final 10 are
1) Zoe Birkett
2) Gareth Gates
3) Laura Doherty
4) Hayley Evetts
5) Jessica Garlick
6) Rosie Ribbons
7) Korben
8) William Young
9) Aaron bailey
10) Rik Waller
Who do you think will win???
I think either Gareth Gates or Rik for the men and Zoe Birkett and Rosie Ribbons for the women!
Mark :laugh:
I think last nights show was very good, one of the most difficult to decide who should go through, and I must admit I didn't vote for that very reason.
I do think that the right 2 went through in the end, but even the judges said they thought at least 6 people really deserved to.
I really like Darius, but I don't think he did himself justice last night. The song he sung is actually one of my favourites but I don't think it was the right song for him. It's a shame because I think he is very talented and I have a lot of respect for him having the courage to do Pop Idol after Popstars, but I doubt we have heard the last of Darius Dinesh.
I think it's going to be really interesting over the next few shows. Each show has a theme and each week all the contestants will be singing the same sort of songs. Pete Waterman made a very good point about Gareth Gates last night, he said that so far we've only heard him sing one song, and even though he agreed that he sung this brilliantly, we don't know know what he is like with other styles. The same is true of all the contestants, I think it's going to really show who are the better performers.
[Edited on 2-12-2001 by LEE]
04-12-2001, 05:50 PM
I dont think Gareth Gates should win but I have got a feeling he will. His voice didnt amaze me like Riks did or Zoes.
I want either Rik to win, not just to mess up the judges opinions (well, maybe that a bit) but I think he has such a nice voice.
Also, Zoe who won in the first round was really really brill and I would like to see her win.
Noticed the undernoted article on Ananova today, comparing the voting out of one Pop Idol hopeful each week to Big Brother: :laugh:
I'm not arrogant, says Pop Idol's Rik
Pop Idol hopeful Rick Waller says he's never been arrogant in his life.
He was told he was getting "big-headed" by judge Simon Cowell after his latest performance on the show. Rick went on to win the public vote along with train driver Aaron Bayley.
"One thing I've never been in my life is arrogant," Rick told the official Pop Idol website. "Like a lot of people, Simon believes the whole 'Vote For The Fat Bloke' campaign was started by me. But why would I do that? I want to win the show on merit. I don't want a tainted victory."
Rick says the only reason Simon criticised his character was because he couldn't fault his performance. "I think the judges felt they had to say something bad about me," he said. "But I can't stop the papers printing stuff about me if they want to. I wish this could have happened another way, but at the end of the day, the public voted me through to the final and that's all that counts."
The final 10 contestants on Pop Idol will be given a song theme each week until they are whittled down to just two.
The show is set to continue until February with one contestant voted out each week, like Big Brother.
Does anyone know what happens once we get down to the final two? Will it be up to the public to vote, or will the panel of 'experts' make the decision?
Incidentally, I believe the bookies are making Gareth Gates the favourite to win.
I hope it isn't up to the panel as that would be biased. I would imagine the choice in our hands!
Mark :spin:
It's still up to the public, right up until the end. That's what Ant and Dec said the other week anyway.
08-12-2001, 11:24 PM
i like gareth he is sooo sweet, awww
Just a quick reminder that Pop Idol - The Story So Far is on ITV1 tonight at 10.30 p.m. It'll give us a chance to hear all the 10 finalists again. :dazzler:
13-12-2001, 11:12 PM
i am watching that right now, i didnt know how much i had missed!! Some of the auditons still crack me up tho!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
:nono: i hate you pete waterman!!
My sis bought the video, and some of them have me in fits of laughter!
I think Simon is the one to hate...not Pete!
Mark :noel:
Gosh, I'd forgotten how many of the original applicants were truly awful. :shocked: I was in hysterics at the girl who did YMCA although - bless her - she was completely up for a laugh, and actually made Simon and Pete crack up too. :santa:
Roll on Saturday - hope Rick's voice has recovered by then. It would be a tragedy if he had to pull out having got so far. :xmas:
14-12-2001, 12:04 PM
I'm glad they are being made to sing all the same type of song each week, because I'm sure loads of people are heavily biased towards the sort of song they like.
Pete is right about doing different sorts of songs too. After all, if they want to stay in the charts for any length of time they'll need some variety. Even Westlife have taken to doing up-tempo numbers!
Some people might have a fantastic voice and can get every note in a ballad, but to carry off something more upbeat and poppy requires timing and perhaps a little vocal agility (as opposed to strength).
I will be interested to see how Gareth gets on with something a little less misty-eyed. I've only managed to see him singing once, on the very first show. When he started to sing I really paid attention. In fact I moved right up to my tv for a closer look. I'll confess I shed a tear. Something none of the other consestants have managed. I ran around telling everyone about him - insisting he had the 'voice of an angel'. Although, to be fair to the other finalists I'd just watched some of the worst singers ever. Plus, I was genuinely shocked to hear such a beautiful composed voice after the stress of him telling his name. In fact, I was practically in tears before he started. And he's really cute and you could pick him up and put him in your pocket.:laugh:
I think this Saturday I'll try to watch everyone as if I'm seeing them for the first time. Does anyone know what sort of songs they are doing this week?
14-12-2001, 09:22 PM
I really liked Rik, in fact I was close to tears when I heard him last week. But the guy the week before who sang "Light My Fire" was amazing!
I think it's going to be very interesting hearing them all doing different stuff each week. Like Simon Cowell said, we've only heard Gareth sing Living Without Wings so can he rock? I don't think he'll win, his voice is just too weak.
News from Ananova at lunchtime today:
Big Rik pulls out of Pop Idol
Rik Waller has pulled out of Pop Idol after losing his voice. He will be replaced by Darius Danesh. Darius has been drafted in because he came third in Rik's heat.
A Pop Idol spokeswoman told Ananova that Rik is very disappointed at losing out on the chance of becoming a pop star. He had hinted that he may be forced to pull out of the competition because of a sore throat at a press conference earlier this week.
The spokeswoman said: "Rik has seen a throat specialist and he has no other option but to pull out. His part in the competition is over."
The first of Pop Idol's ten final heats is on ITV1 tomorrow at 6.05pm. One hopeful will be voted off the show every week, until the public are left with just two finalists to choose from.
HOWEVER........ another story filed at 15.40 today:
Show's not over for Pop Idol's Big Rik
Rik Waller may still be able to take part in the final of Pop Idol. It was thought the contestant would have to pull out altogether after losing his voice. But after consulting a throat specialist, Rik has announced he might be fit enough to perform on the ITV show next week. It means there will only be nine contestants in the first of Pop Idol's 10 final heats this Saturday.
A Pop Idol spokeswoman told Ananova they want to give Rik every chance. She said: "If Rik rests his voice he may be all right to continue. He's very hoarse and need to rest. I'd say it's 50/50. "It means there will be only nine contestants in this week's heat. It's unfortunate but the only way to do it." If Rik is not well enough to perform the following week, he will be replaced by Darius Danesh, who came third in Rik's round of auditions.
Rik said: "I am absolutely over the moon. It's good to be given the chance to get better so I can show people what I can do." And in a joking reference to the 1970s rocking toys, he added: "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down."
Darius said: "Rik's a tremendous guy and I'm really, really sorry to hear he's too ill to perform on this Saturday's show. I'm happy to be Rik's stand-in if his illness persists. We get on really well. I'm sure he'll get enough rest to put him back on his feet and entertain us with that voice of his."
Poor Rik!!! :bawling:
I think he's fabulous (although I think Darius is great too), and would hate him to lose out because of this. Get better soon, Rik. :xmas:
15-12-2001, 12:06 AM
the YMCA girl was on capital fm a couple of weeks ago she was having a right laugh about herself with foxy. Aparantly she went to the pop idol auditions thinking it was for a television presentling job and when she got there she decided to give it a go anyway, sounds a bit like penny!!
15-12-2001, 01:54 PM
I hope Rik goes for it - I think has an amzing voice and he deserves to be there after all the harsh media and controversy about him.
Who do you lot want to win and who do you think is gonna win?
I think Gareth will end up winning it cos he got like 64% of the vote but I want either Zoe or Rik to win cos I think that their voices are lovely and they have impressed me the most - doesnt mean to say I dont think the others ar e good - they all did well!!:snowman:
15-12-2001, 01:56 PM
I know Mark and I posted this up the top but as no one has answered I still thought I would post it again!
Who do you trhink will win? :elephant:
Having watched tonight's show, Wildchild - I really don't know!!
I didn't think Gareth did himself justice, nor did Aaron. Will, on the other hand, was absolutely superb. I really liked Jessica and Zoe too. Now I'm more confused than I was before!!! :spin2:
15-12-2001, 08:11 PM
With 5 minutes to go before the results of the first show, I still say the same. William is a total star! (At least I know his name now, see my previous post!) He was incredible! Don't know what everyone sees in Rosie though, I just don't find her voice anything special
Well, I have to say I'm shocked. Korben was voted out this week. :shocked:
Although he wasn't one of my favourites, it hadn't crossed my mind that he would go so early on - just goes to show how good a judge I am! I think Laura was a very lucky girl, and definitely got the sympathy vote this week. She does have a fantastic personality, though. :xmas:
16-12-2001, 01:22 PM
I really liked Laura, but couldn't give her my sympathy vote because I wrote the phone number down wrong. I didn't think the song suited her either, but it's not like she sang it badly. Her personality might be stronger than her voice, but it also adds to it.
I also have no idea what makes Rosie so fantastic. She's technically a good singer, but there's nothing interesting about her voice. Vocals need character, not just musical accuracy, otherwise we'd just listen to instruments the whole time.
I didn't see Corban, so I've no idea if he was any good. The weakest performance I saw was Aaron, but I've never been blown away by him when other have thought he was great.
I enjoyed the questions from the audience section, even if the one about why they didn't wait for 10 weeks to do the voting was daft. BECAUSE IT MAKES FOR BETTER TV!
Perhaps they explained it properly at the beginning of the show, but why did they change the rules to 'vote for your favourite'? Anyone got any good conspiracy theories?
I completely missed this weeks show cos I've been away for the weekend and forgot to set my video.
It surprised me that Korben went. He wasn't my fave by a long way, but I would have put him in the top 5. I'm afraid I don't agree with you Janette and Feefs cos I think Rosie has an amazing voice - by far the best of the girls.
What do I know though !! :dazzler: :shocked: :spin2:
Sorry LEE - and I know it's a bad move to disagree with an Administrator - but I have to side with Feefs and Janette. :santa:
IMHO Rosie maybe has a technically good voice, but it does absolutely nothing for me. Then again, I don't like Maria Carey either. :shocked: Zoe's my favourite from the girls but, at the moment, my favourite is William. :rudolph:
I think Zoe stands a very good chance, and I think Gareth as well.
LEE I am going to have to side with Kaz, Rosie has a good voice, but thats it! She doesn't really look as if she puts much effort or enthusiasm in to it.
Sorry to argue!
Mark :noel:
17-12-2001, 07:20 PM
I reckon Will is gonna wn cos the Pop Idol board are crazy about him and he is good, u gotta admit!
But my fave is Zoe, I think, for her age, she is brilliant and she is gonna go far!! I wann her to win! :hello::dazzler::santa::xmas:
I'm obviously on my own here in liking Rosie. :grin:
I didn't see the show on Saturday so I don't know how she performed then, I'm only going on past performance, however I still think her voice is amazing, she isn't my favourite out of the whole group, but I still think she is the best girl. :dazzler:
Looks like Rik could well be out of Pop Idol - latest story from The Sun:
ROLY-POLY Pop Idol wannabe RIK WALLER is out of the show, says his father. Dad Kris told me the sickly singer has not responded to treatment for a throat bug. And short of a last-minute miracle, the 20st TV star will not be well enough for Saturday's show.
Riki pulled out of last weekend's heat after falling ill. Pop Idol bosses told him he could stay in the running if he is fit enough to perform this weekend.
Rival DARIUS DANESH, rejected in an earlier heat, is standing in the wings to take his place.
But Kris said: "Rik is not improving and isn't well enough to sing. I know it's Christmas and a time for miracles, but it is not going to happen. We have seen one of the best voice specialists and he says it won't be better for seven to ten days. It looks like it's over. We will know for definite on Thursday."
Speaking from their home in Gillingham, Kent, Kris added: "It's sad but I'm a realist. I would urge anyone who's thinking of betting on him — don't. The other contestants have been very supportive and Darius told us he did not want to get on the show like this."
Kris reckons Rik will still be able to land a record deal. He said: "I think Rik is the people's champion. He might not be a Pop Idol but I am convinced that he will be selling music for the next 40 years. The public know who he is and I don't think the fact he hasn't won it will count against him. I am confident there will be a demand for him."
Like the other contestants, Rik is contracted for three months after leaving the show to 19 Management, run by Spice Girls guru Simon Fuller and BMG Records, under judge Simon Cowell.
Popstars reject Darius claims he saved the heavyweight from the axe last week.
He told me he talked ITV bosses around after they had decided to boot Rik off the show. He said: "I had a chat with the producer Nigel Lythgoe, who I knew from Popstars and told him I didn't think it was fair to kick Rik out. He had done so well to get this far, it would have been a shame if he missed out now.
"Everyone felt the same so Nigel had a word. Rik owes me one. I would feel bad if I got in but he knows it's only fair if he's not better by the weekend."
What a terrible shame for Rik. :bawling:
It is a huge shame. After working so hard and getting so far to have to withdraw cos of illness. :bawling:
I hope he does get other offers because I think he deserves a career in music. Perhaps it is for the best. He has a wonderful voice but if he succeeds without the constraints of the show he will be able to do what music he chooses. The eventual Pop Idol winner will have very little control over his music and how he/she is presented.
Good Luck Rik :dazzler:
19-12-2001, 11:44 AM
I'm being cynical I'm thinking that he probably won't come back, even if his voice is better. I think it's unlikely that he would win this show, but that doesn't mean he isn't popular enough to have a successful recording career. This way, he can avoid the negative press that comes with being voted off, and that will inevitably come with a show like this. He can rise above any bickering, and will probably get some sympathy for missing out.
The sort of contract they have in mind for the winner wouldn't suit him, so I think he should stay out. Plus, it would mean we'd get to see Darius again. I don't think he'll win either, but he's good entertainment. I'd like to see him with some kind of recording contract too, but I think he needs a few more weeks with stylists, and voice-coaches to help him on his way to a less cheesy future.
I think the public also need to see more of him without the dodgy facial hair. I missed him mouthing 'I love you mum' to the camera, so I'll be glued to my tv hoping for a repeat. :lol:
19-12-2001, 08:21 PM
It is such a shame that Rik might not be able to perform - after all the campaigns, the proving wrong, the hard work and Darius waltz's in and takes his place! Its not fair and I am praying for a miracle for Rik! :bouncy:
Did anyone actually get the email campaign??? Id love to see a copy if any one has it!!!
Mark :hello:
20-12-2001, 01:34 PM
My favourites on Saturday were: Rik, Gareth, Jessica, William and Korben and look what happened to Korben!
On Lorraine, a week or so ago, Helen said she liked Gareth best.
There's a long way to go yet, weeks and weeks, so it's early days to go for an outright favourite. I'll let you know later!
22-12-2001, 05:35 PM
I'm going to give my prediction now, Aaran will go this week and William will win the whole thing.
Oh my god, I've just jinxed them both :xmas:
22-12-2001, 05:39 PM
It's Christmas songs tonight. What do you think they'll all be singing?
If Darius is singing, this will be a fantastic opportunity to cheese it up. But being Christmas, can Simon complain?:lol:
22-12-2001, 05:41 PM
Does anyone know if Rik is on tonight or Darius? I know Rik was seeing his specialist on Thursday but there's been nothing on teletext about it
I think its Darius.....
Ill post up the results as soon as its over!
22-12-2001, 07:33 PM
I totally stand by my previous prediction:spin:
Janette, I agree totally with you in that I would like Will to win! :dazzler:
Tonight I think either Aaron or Laura will go.
Im going to have to disagree with you....
I think Zoe and Jessica should win. I don't really like Will at all.
Thats probably cos im a bloke though!
I just don't like his style of singing that's all!
Mark :dazzler:
22-12-2001, 09:20 PM
Yup, it's because you're a bloke! :dazzler:
The judges predicitions to go were
Pete Waterman = Laura
Nicky = Jessica
Foxy = Jessica
The results were as follows
Bottom three were Laura, Rosie and Jessica.
Jessica was voted off.......:bawling::bawling:
Do you think she deserved to go?:conf: I don't think she should have....
Mark :spin2:
Even though I did like how Jessica sang tonight, I have never really been a fan. In previous heats I haven't rated her much at all.
However if it went on tonights performance I would have voted Hayley out. Obviously no-one else agreed though.
I voted for Darius. I almost voted for Will cos I always think he's good, but there was something about the way Darius sang tonight, I thought he was excellent.
22-12-2001, 10:21 PM
I'm absolutely amazed that the general public thought Aaron and Gareth were better than Rosie and Jessica! Jessica has a good voice and sang well, Rosie sang well even though I'm not that keen on her I wouldn't have put her in the bottom three.
Aaron I thought was a bit flat and his dancing left a lot to be desired. And please, if everyone is brutally honest, Gareth just hasn't got a strong enough voice to win the competition. He's getting the sympathy vote and I don't think that is helping him at all.
I watched the programme open minded, yes even to Will who I think is wonderful!, and I would have voted off Laura or Aaron simply because they didn't sing very well. But never mind, next week they'll have another go and we'll see what happens then.
Well, I was wrong again about who would be voted off! I must admit though, even though Jessica has a good voice, she doesn't really stand out or have anything different about her. Laura has personality by the bucketload, and that's what's carrying her through, IMHO.
Incidentally, I was watching ITV2 after the result was announced, and heard Kate Thornton compare Laura to Paul from Big Brother, in that she had now survived two nominations for eviction!!
:santa: :dazzler: :santa:
Hi Kaz
I heard the Paul comparison as well, made me smile. :santa:
23-12-2001, 02:15 PM
My two faves are Zoe and I like Will - either of them winning would make me smile!
Zoe has an excellent voice for her age, theres no getting away from it and Will is unique and a perfect gentleman!
I dont think Jess should have gone last night; Laura should have! Sorry, she is sweet but she isnt brilliant!
23-12-2001, 06:03 PM
Ananova :
Pop Idol evictee 'may form reject band'
Pop Idol's Jessica Garlick says she might form a 'Flop Idols' band containing rejects from the TV show.
But the 20-year-old thinks the band members will fight for the limelight.
She was voted off the ITV talent show last night.
Jessica said: "I'd give it a go. I think we'd certainly sell - people would buy anything we put out after the amount of exposure we've had.
"But I'm not sure how we'd blend or how we'd look together. We'd probably fight for attention.
"We would all want to sing the lead ourselves. There's a reason why we are all solo performers."
She was left fighting back tears last night after being told she had attracted the fewest telephone votes.
Her performance of Shakin' Stevens' Merry Christmas Everyone was praised by judges but was not strong enough to secure her a place in the next round.
Story filed: 14:56 Sunday 23rd December 2001
What do we think of this one?
Pop Idol has just been on....
The three on the sofa of doom this week were:-
1) Laura
2) Aaron
3) Rosemary
The person that was voted off was.....
Aaron. :xyxwave::xyxwave::xyxwave::xyxwave:
Do you think it should have been Aaron?
Yes, I do. I really liked Aaron in the earlier stages, but the last few weeks he's been bland and hasn't really impressed me at all. He has a good voice but doesn't have the charisma to be a pop idol.
I know I'm on my own here in liking Rosie, but I am so glad she didn't go this evening. I'll admit that the last couple of weeks she hasn't sung as well as she can, but I stand by my earlier comments about the quality of her voice.
I couldn't decide who to vote for this evening, so I voted 3 times - for Darius, Zoe, and also for Rosie as I guessed she wouldn't be very popular tonight and I really wanted her to stay.
Who did you guys vote for.
29-12-2001, 10:46 PM
I've not been a major fan of Zoe but she was amazing tonight, I voted for her and Will. I was glad Aaron was voted off because he's probably been the weakest of all over the weeks.
I have to admit that I thought Rosie would go tonight, she didn't sing well and she looked very uncomfortable.
I think the last 2 will be Zoe and Will, I don't want to choose between them though, the last week is going to be awful for the loser! :bawling:
I missed Pop Idol last Saturday (Long story - was housesitting and looking after elderly dog for brother-in-law while he was on holiday, dog very suddenly took ill and died on Saturday:: Kaz absolutely distraught) and wondered if any kind soul could give me a brief resume of how everyone performed, especially my fave - William.
Any information gratefully received. :spin2:
02-01-2002, 09:43 PM
I'll do it for you and very sorry to hear about your brother in laws dog. Im afraid I wont be able to tell you every thing they sang because Im not too good on Burt Backarach!
Aaron - He actually did a good performance tonight but he isnt really standing out. Judges didnt praise him much but he took losing really really well and managed to come off stage similing!
Zoe - My personal fave (along with Will so Im gonna be nice anyway!!) Her performace was fantastic. She did 'Say a little prayer' by Aretha Franklin and she did it complete justice. Her outfit was criticised by Foxy as he said she looked a bit too much like Janet Jckson with a black hat on and stuff and he said she was still finding her own identity at 16. Her voice was powerful and she did brilliant.
Gareth - He did Arthurs Theme and he improved this week. His voice still isnt very strong but hes getting better. The judges praised him.
Laura - Improved a lot this week but still got the sofa. She did the Sandy Shaw song, 'Born to love you' and she looked more confident. Her vocals came through more and Pete really praised her.
Darius - He did good. He didnt thik so but he got a lot of praises from judges. Same style as usual.
Hayley - She did a fast song again and was wearing a very revealing outfit. Judges told her she did good but didnt realy tell her why she was so good. Not much to say on Hayley.
Will - Yay - I love Will! He was told by Pete:
'Now, do you want the good news or the bad news. The bad news is you aint a Pop Idol, the good news is you are a Superstar! Judges loved him, got a big clap and performed in his usual relaxed style!
Rosie - (Didnt wear a short skirt this week may I say!) Nicki said she had lost the sparkle she had and they both predicted her to go, her and Foxy. Rosie looked liked she was crying. Her performance was good in my opinion, a srong voice, but others dont agree.
There you go Kaz, hope that helps!!
Thanks so much for that, Wildchild.
I'm still pretty devastated at losing poor Missy over the weekend, but her owners will be home on Friday - they already know what's happened - and hopefully I'll be back to normal by Saturday and able to watch Popstars again.
Will is my fave out of the boys, closely followed by Darius, and Zoe is my favourite girl. :dazzler:
I hereby give prior warning that I will not be able to watch it this Saturday, so I expect you all to take notes and give me a full report. :dazzler:
I'm going to go and be in the 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' audience instead. :hugesmile:
Also, could you please remind me on Saturday to set my video for the BB special. Thanks. :laugh:
03-01-2002, 09:25 AM
Kaz, I like William and Zoe the best too. What a shame you can't have two winners. I'm really torn!
Maybe 2 winners is a good idea - 1 boy and 1 girl.
For the person that comes second it will be awful.:bawling::bawling::bawling:
03-01-2002, 03:44 PM
Do you realise the results will clash with the BB one? How cruel is that to all phone vote evictions programme fans? :shocked::shocked:
Let's just hope it's some boring arguement in Germany their screening when ******* gives their moving farewell speech. :bawling:
:shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shoc ked:
How ruuuuuuuuude:joker:
I think BB takes priority for me.....
Just thought I'd post up the Pop Idol things for this week! Forgive me if I get some of the song titles wrong!:thumbs:
Gareth - My Girl - The judges really liked his performance. When Gareth was speaking to Ant and Dec he started to stutter but he got over it!
Rosie - Your Song - The judges liked Rosie's performance.
Darius - Baby can I hold you tongiht - Darius sang this in typical Darius style! The judges were really impressed and so were the audience!
Hayley - Show me Heaven - The judges said this was a strong performance, and she sang it well.
Laura - The judges weren't overly impressed with this song - Laura had never heard of it before she started to learn it!
Will - There'll be no sunshine - The judges said that this song suited Will's voice - I can't judge him as I had never heard the song before!
Zoe - Street Life - One word..... Brilliant!
My favourite three this week were
I think that Laura will be voted out this week.
I will post up the results after for you - although the programme clashes with the Big Brother one :mad::mad::mad::mad:
What are your views:conf::conf::conf:
ps. My sister informs me that Rik is doing a charity single.... Can anyone shine some light on this???
Laura and Rosie were on the sofa this week......
Laura left us...........
05-01-2002, 11:25 PM
It was a night of mixed emotions this week. Everyone performed well but Laura was the obvious choice to leave. I was quite happy with that decision because I felt she wasn't as good as the rest. But when the decision came and the other contestants broke down in tears, it really hit home how hard it must be for all of them.
They've all become such good friends and they know that there'll be only one winner. It must be so difficult for everyone, wanting to celebrate the fact that they're still in the competition, and at the same time feeling so sorry for the person having to leave.
I don't really want to pick a winner now, they're all brilliant in their own way and it's hard to think that six out of these seven people are going to end up with nothing at the end of all this.
Sorry for being gloomy but seeing Zoe sobbing even half an hour after the show ended really struck a nerve. :bawling:
Here's my views on last Saturday's programme:
Gareth - Much improved on the previous couple of weeks - picked a song which suited his voice, but I don't think he's strong enough all-round to win.
Rosie - Good performance but, sorry, her voice does absolutely nothing for me. Don't like the Maria Carey style of singing at all.
Darius - Gets better and better (and better looking too!) What a difference between him now and when he had his first audition. Great performance, lovely warm voice.
Hayley - Fantastic performance - difficult song but sung beautifully. She's really started to blossom as the competition goes on.
Laura - Personality by the bucketload, but unfortunately her voice just doesn't match up to it. Good stage presence, though.
Will - Fabulous!! His voice is just amazing. Has a knack of picking the right song to suit his vocals, and this was no exception. My fave, no doubt about it.
Zoe - Not as impressive for me as in previous weeks, partly due to the fact I wasn't too fond of the song. However, bearing in mind she had less than 24 hours to rehearse it, she did an excellent job.
I think it was the right decision that Laura went this time. My money is on Rosie to be voted off next - she just isn't doing it for me at all.
Abba songs next week - should be very interesting!! :hello: :dazzler: :hello:
07-01-2002, 11:54 AM
My two favourites this week were Darius (for the first time!) and Hayley. I thought they all sang their hearts out though and, like Janette, I feel sorry for the poor little souls. But that's show business!
07-01-2002, 10:19 PM
Heres my opinions:
ZOE - FAB!!!!!!! Her vocals didnt really show off as usual but she had a good reason and she is still my fave. Good mover and seems a really cool girl!
WILL - Love im!!! He is so sweet and unique!! Want him to win if oe doesnt!
DARIUS - Cant stand the bloke but has a nice voice!
ROSIE - Has a lovely voice but she aint choosing the right songs! Think shell be off next week.
GARETH - Much btter but dont think he should win.
HAYLEY - Lovely powerful voice but doesnt have that X factor.
LAURA - Seems lovely but isnt the best singer. She knew she was going so she took it well. Would be great on tv!
We've got a bit of catching up to do on this, so to start us off here's my view on last Saturday's show:
Hayley - Good solid performance, but nothing special for me.
Darius - At a big disadvantage because he has the deepest singing voice and the songs were written for women, but I think he did well.
William - Brilliant as ever. Took the song and started off normally, then turned it around into his own style in the second half.
Rosie - In a word - awful. Song didn't suit her voice at all, too much warbling, and was flat on numerous occasions. No question in my mind that she had to go.
Gareth - A revelation for me this week. Best performance so far in the finals. Really picked the right song for his vocal talents.
Zoe - Not as impressive this week, but still bags of personality.
So it was bye bye Rosie. However, to misquote an Abba song, it was 'The Loser Takes It All' this week as she was promptly offered the chance to record with Pete Waterman! Not only that, but Kate Thornton gleefully told the 5 remaining contestants this 'good' news live on air. Of course they were happy for her, but what a slap in the face it must have been for them. Very tactless, I thought. :mad:
What were your views on this show, and what did you think about Rosie's subsequent good fortune? :spin2:
Click here (,,2002021735,00.html) to read article in today's Sun, giving results of their readers' telehone poll.
Hmmmm ...... I'm not convinced. After all, there were only 21,373 calls, and over 2 million people vote each week on Pop Idol. We've also got dubious comments from 'an ITV source' and 'a Pop Idol insider' - sound familiar?? Our old friends the source and the insider!!!
As someone who doesn't buy the Sun and didn't vote in their phone poll, I'm still sticking by Will! :hello: :dazzler: :dance:
18-01-2002, 03:17 PM
I think it only shows the intentions of Sun readers, but it is still quite a big difference. People will change allegiances when the numbers drop, but it looks like Hayley is on her way out. Darius and Zoe are pretty close in the running, but I think it's safe to say our Pop Idol will be male.
If it does come down to Gareth vs Will, the Darius and Zoe fans could swing it. Who do they like next best?
I'm a Darius fan, and I think if the final two were to be Will and Gareth I would probably vote for Will. :dazzler:
Romantic Old Bird
18-01-2002, 05:01 PM
We think much alike LEE! Much as I hate to admit it though, the Scum are probably reflecting the public psyche. I must admit I'm suprised though.
I would have thought Will would have won people over from Gareth over the past few weeks. Gareth performed really well on saturday because he has a light 'steps' kind of voice.
Darius did well considering how deep his voice is. I really admire this lad, amazing character for one so young, and he does have the whole package.
Will has the outstanding voice I think. He makes each song his own.
The other two are competant singers who do nothing for me I'm afraid.
I am now becoming rather sick of seeing Rik Waller everywhere. He looks like becoming a regular on Lorraine, and I've seen him on R&J as well this week.
Back to those still in it, lets see what tomorrow brings!
19-01-2002, 07:26 PM
After watching the show tonight, I'm struggling to find a loser! They were all great, even Gareth blew me away which I wasn't expecting.
If I've got to choose someone to leave, it would be between Zoe and Darius because they were only very good whereas the others were fabulous!
God, it's so difficult!!!!!:conf:
I agree with you that all of them were brilliant tonight, and I'm also finding it very difficult to choose who to vote for.
My thoughts are that the weakest two were Hayley and Darius, personally I thought Zoe was fabulous, probably the best of the five. I'm not usually a Zoe fan so that's quite an amazing thing for me to say :spin2:
I think I will vote for Darius, cos I really don't want him to go.
19-01-2002, 10:05 PM
:elephant:I'ma bit of a late recruit to pop idol but have kept in touch with the goings on.
I've begun to root for darius as, I think, i admire his ability to keep on in there!
Just a question for a more informed person than myself: 'If, as it states in the Sun website, Darius is only 21, why was there such a heated debate about his age/ age of pop singers tonight???:dazzler::bouncy:
Phew, that was so emotional tonight - all 5 sang their hearts out and it was SO difficult to pick any faults with any of their performances, they were all fantastic. :hello: :dance: :dazzler:
Anyway, for what it's worth, these are my views on the fab 5:
ZOE - Absolutely brilliant. For someone so young, she sang the big band style fabulously. No doubt in my mind that she would be staying.
GARETH - Before tonight I had doubts that 'big band' would suit his style of singing. How wrong was I - he was fantastic.
HAYLEY - She sang brilliantly, with loads of emotion and did, as Simon said, look really sexy. But there was just a little something (don't know what) missing.
WILL - Can do no wrong in my eyes. Not a great song, I thought, but his performance of it was outstanding and he looked like he'd been singing with a live band all his life. Fabulous.
DARIUS - Picked the right song for his voice - lovely, deep and rich. I thought Pete Waterman's comparison with Nat King Cole was a great compliment to Darius's performance.
All in all, I think the public made the right decision tonight, and Hayley took it really well. I hope that's not the last we hear of her because she does have a fantastic voice and looks great.
What did you think? :colour: :dazzler: :colour:
20-01-2002, 10:22 AM
It is getting really difficult to choose now, because they're all so good. Personally, I thought that Zoe was the best last night, but it's just so difficult to choose. I think I would like Darius to leave next. I find him a bit too smarmy.
Christine -
Romantic Old Bird
20-01-2002, 03:34 PM
I don't find Darius smarmy, I think you're looking at a consummate entertainer. He has the whole package: looks and talent. I see him presenting, in West end musicals, possibly even films. He won't win this though.
My admiration for him grows every week.
He has great staying power, and consistently survives against the odds. Who does that remind me of?
Yes, he is only 21, which made that conversation last night puzzling. It does make you understand his 'can you feel the love in this room' statement better.
We all have said a few things we wish we hadn't in the past. I'm sure I must have said 'Groovy baby' in the 60's for instance.
I can vividly remember sitting at a club (also in the 60's!!!) saying 'hey, far out, that's absolutely amazing!'.......................
Back to PI. Darius will probably go next, although he just MIGHT outlast Zoe. After all, most voters are I suspect, girlies.
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