View Full Version : Last nights episode (20/3/01)

21-03-2002, 03:57 PM
Did anyone watch last nights episode of Survivor?:conf:
I did and I am starting to get a bit more into it now, I think last week was pretty boring because we didnt really now any of the people and it was just introductions but this week, things started to shape up and the characters are really beginning to play the game.
I know you have to be sneaky and 2 faced in order to go far but I dont really go much on Susannah. It goes to show that she will manipulate and deceitful to win money, I just think she is VERY sneaky as opposed to the others.
I felt quite sorry for John who mucked up on the challenge when he was fooling around on the bar, even though he was a bit stupid for doing that, he must have felt incredibly embarassed.
I am not that keen on Tayfun, however, I want him to stay because I think he will be an interesting character.

What did you all think of it last night? :spin2:

21-03-2002, 05:19 PM
I think it was a good one
I felt sorry for John but I thought he was acting stupid and cost them the chalange.
I want Tayfun to go and I think he will be the 1st to go in North island if they lose immunity next
If south island lose another immunity they will be in deep trouble, Prediction there Bridget.
I thought reward challange was funny, South island falling out of Canoe lol
I thought Lee would do or Bridget and im glad he went so suzanna would stay with Johnny and John
It will be intresting to see what happens when they merge :elephant:

21-03-2002, 11:27 PM
Iwatched it and wondered wht the 'tough guys':elephant: all kept saying ... well i want to keep it quiet that i'm brilliant/ ex-SAS/a leader/ forces trained blah blah blah.

When these people go on like that they are just heading for a fall. The other, more normal 'contestants', will soon suss them out and vote them off because they present a challenge??!"!:devil:

23-03-2002, 02:34 PM
I thought the Weds night episode was great! The comic moments of the South island canoe tipping over and John's Michael Palin fac as he showed off on the bar, only to fall in afterwards.

There was also a classic moment (shown on ITV2 I think) where Tayfun was holding the communal toothbrush and plucking up the courage to overcome his disgust at using it!

Poor old Bridget, she doesn't seem to like the tribal council vote and the idea of forming alliances, but then she must have know this was an integral part of the experience. I wonder if she is playing dumb at the moment and will sneak through?!

Lee was v amusing to watch in his post-eviction interview. He kept swinging between admiriation for the way Susannah had played the game, and disgust at the way she had stithed him up good and proper.

I think the North Island might vote Meela off if they lose immunity, I was surprised to hear her saying that she wasn't njoying it and wanted to go home. Drew seems to be the dark horse in that group, she did fantastically well on the hanging bars challenge and seems to get on well with the key members of North Island.

Anyone know how long before the merger will happen?

23-03-2002, 04:47 PM
I wonder what the ratings are like for this series? Its keeping me warm while I wait for BB but without a live webcam I don't call it Reality Television..........
:colour::colour::colour::colour::colour::colour::c olour::colour::colour::colour::colour::colour::col our::colour:

23-03-2002, 05:01 PM
The ratings for this series are pretty poor - they are losing out half than what they had last series. The News at 10 is even beating it in the ratings! :spin2:

23-03-2002, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by splodge0
without a live webcam I don't call it Reality Television.
I know what you mean Splodge either a webcam or constant E4 coverage is one of the things that makes BB special.

I've never really been able to get into any of the other shows because somehow they aren't as real. Having BB on in the background all day means that you end up living it with them and get far more involved.


23-03-2002, 07:01 PM
Myself and a friend were saying exactly the same thing at work yesterday - knowing that it has all happened already takes away the feeling that the audience are in control.

I wonder how they are going to get people involved in voting? It all seems a but pointless really!

When the BBC did Castaway they seemed to think that it would be OK to show a lot of the footage after the year was over, but bowed under pressure to show it throughout the year. I think this is one example of how Big Brother has changed the face of TV as we know it, we expect instant live material now.

I would really like to see the "round-up" Bb show go out on the same day that it takes place, but I suppose that's a bit much to ask for!!!