View Full Version : Silent Hill - A basic explaination

04-11-2007, 10:58 PM
Silent Hill is a town in Toluca County, America, neighboured by Brahms, Ashfield, Shepherds Glen and Plesant River

The power of the land
A ritual was performed by the Native Indians

When "The Order" turned up they introduced their religeon (based on Catholic) and began abusing this power, Alessa being burnt lead the way to the power to becoming more powerful, powerful enough to call someone to the town itself

In Silent Hill 3 the power seems to have spreaded to Ashfield, and in Silent Hill 4 the ritual perfomed gives Ashfield the power of Silent Hill

also Silent Hill has the power to manifest your deepest and darks fears/secrets


In ancient times, it was a Native Indian sacred ground, until, the British began populating it, and a unknow plauge breaks out and the settlers fled in the early 1700's

The place becomes a town, and Toluca prison is built in the 1800's

Brookhaven Hospital is built in response to the towns plauge in 1820

Toluca Prison closes in 1840

The town grows into a small city when a coal mine is discovered

People begin to vanish when a cult named "The Order" show up in 1890

A boat named "The little Baroness" 'sinks' into Toluca lake

Alessa Gillespie is burned by her mother to resurrect "god" Travis Grady a trucker passing through interupts the cermony, and leaves Cheryl (who is Alessa's good half) at the side of a road, Cheryl is found by Harry Mason (Silent Hill 0rigins) 1976

Harry Mason turns up with his daughter Cheryl in Silent Hill, and eventually discovers the she is Alessa's good half, they are re-united to form a baby (Heather Mason) 1983

James Sunderland looks for his wife, only to discover the town has called him to be judged for the murder of his wife - 1992

Heather Mason gets drag into a cults plot to bring "god" back to life, and Heather is pregnant with it, she eventually finds away to get rid of it - 2000

Henry Townshend is trapped in his Room, he see's 4 people murdered and he saves the 5th one, he discovers that he is part of the 21 Sacrements, a way to revive "god" he finds away to end the ceremony and is free (2004)

Alex Shepherd is called to Silent Hill (2007?)