View Full Version : An invitation

12-04-2002, 11:26 PM

Allegedly and hopefully, the one and only Mr Paul Clarke and I share a birthday next friday April 19th. (We don't share ages though!)

All at TiBB are invited to 'attend' a virtual birthday party.
Location: not yet decided .. TiBB troops on alert
DAte:19th April
Time: oh.......whenever!
Purpose, eat, drink, type ,post and be merry
Dress code: mmmmm, let's think about that one
Special arrangements:/

Well can the good people of TiBB help to put this joint celebration together????:dazzler::dazzler::dazzler::dazzler::d azzler::flower::flower:

13-04-2002, 07:29 AM
I will come

Its going to be wicked and double cool:elephant::elephant::elephant:

13-04-2002, 11:30 AM
Count me in blinkinlovely!!:dance::joker::dance:
Sounds like a pretty cool party! Dunno about anyone else but Ill b wearing loadsa pink to impress Mr Clark!:spin2::elephant::spin2:

Romantic Old Bird
13-04-2002, 12:38 PM
Well, Hello!

ROB here.

Now then, what's all this about a party?

Will there be jelly? I don't like jelly, cos it's all wobbly and slimey. I like custard though, and ice cream, with nuts and chocolate sauce and hundreds of thousands and stuff!


I'll be a good girl and I won't eat and eat and eat until I'm sick.


Will there be a clown?


I hope there's lots of games!


Can we play pass the parcel and musical chairs?


Can we, can we, please, please , please?

:bouncy::spin2::spin2::flower::spin2::spin2::bounc y:

Oh, and can we play Postman's knock? I like Postman's knock, I do!


Cos, guess who's coming in the cupboard with me??


He is MINE!

MINE MINE MINE I tell you!


13-04-2002, 01:16 PM
Can Boys Come too??



13-04-2002, 01:36 PM
Please count me in. I love a party, I do. I promise to bring along paper hats and party poppers if you'll let me come. Can it be fancy dress? Oh go on, please, please say yes. I like dressing up, I do.:joker:



13-04-2002, 03:27 PM
I'll be there. Oh god what will i wear?:shocked::elephant::bawling::dance:

13-04-2002, 07:39 PM
I wanna come too !!!!!!!!!!

Pleeaaasssseeeee can I come and play?

13-04-2002, 08:04 PM
Did someone say party :thumbs:
That will be DOUBLE COOL:dance::dance:

Can I come too please:hello:

Can we play Twister with Mr Clarke too:spin2:

14-04-2002, 07:19 PM
How exciting!! A party AND you get to share your Birthday with Mr Clarke!


I am out on Friday evening already (sob!) but I will drop in if I can, or will pop by on Saturday morning with the Alka Seltzers for all those with hangovers. :hugesmile::hugesmile:

14-04-2002, 07:30 PM
Great news guys!!

Looking forward to the jelly and party games.

Think I've decided to wear a glittery number - perhaps off the shoulder and revealing. PC will like that.

Will he buy me a Gucci bad though?:xyxwave::elephant:

14-04-2002, 07:35 PM
Ooooooh, me too, me too


15-04-2002, 06:41 PM

Count me in. :thumbs:

I'll bring the music.


15-04-2002, 09:53 PM
A party! :hello: :elephant: :hello:

Double cool - it'll be partytastic!! :dance: :dazzler: :dance:

You can rely on me to supply the balloons, blinkinlovely - I just love the dizzy feeling I get after blowing them all up ....... or is that after too many whisky and lemonades? :conf: I can't remember now! :laugh:

I can't wait - at last another excuse to wear my silver glitter dress with matching ear-rings I bought for my own birthday party a couple of years ago. :blush: (Well - it was a 60's night!)

Roll on Friday! :colour: :spin2: :colour:

18-04-2002, 10:53 PM

Just a few minutes to go ... glitter 'jamas at the ready and lots of JAffa Cakes to hand.

Is anyone wrapping the giftsd for Pass the PArcel?:colour::colour::colour::colour::colour::co lour:

18-04-2002, 11:02 PM
Happy Birthday Blinkinlovely!!!!! Have a brilliant day:dance::elephant::hello::dazzler:

Just wrapping your virtual pressie now!!