View Full Version : Metal gear Solid 4 Appreciation/Review Thread

04-06-2008, 01:18 PM
With only a matter of days till one of the best games of 2008 is released i though i would make a dedication thread.

MGS 4 has had HOT reviews:

IGN: 9.9/10
Playtation magazine UK: 10/10
Playstation mag USA: 5/5
Gamesmaster: 97%


I really cant wait any longer for this game

04-06-2008, 02:26 PM
Is it only coming out on PS3?

04-06-2008, 02:52 PM
Looks great, there's only one downside for me, it's nothing that big but if you like it graphics wise it is. Why can't japanese creators get there characters run and walk normally instead of having straight backs all the time?

05-06-2008, 12:54 PM
this is only on PS3 and NEVEr coming to 360 this is a PURE 100% PS3 EXCLUSIVE

05-06-2008, 01:01 PM
Its a shame the 360 did not adopt the Blu-Ray format. Had it switched to Blu Ray following the downfall of Toshiba's HD-DVD format , an additional 20 million+ people [A little under TWICE the userbase of the PS3] could get to experience what will probably be one of the games of the year.

No way are my shelling out for a PS3 when I only want one game for the thing. Its hardware may be future proof , but Sony seems to have forgotten to tell developers how exactly you make games for it. And I would rather PAY for my online service if it means it is tenfold better than the Playstation Network - or whatever they are calling it this week.

05-06-2008, 02:48 PM
I dissagree the PS3 is getting ALOT of developers attention now as they now realise how far the PS3 can go MGS 4 is defo a contender for Game of the year. I have 360 and rarely played it since i got Ps3

05-06-2008, 03:14 PM
Strange I heard Konami where considering porting it to the Xbox 360

05-06-2008, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by 001steven
I dissagree the PS3 is getting ALOT of developers attention now as they now realise how far the PS3 can go MGS 4 is defo a contender for Game of the year. I have 360 and rarely played it since i got Ps3
Of course its getting attention. It always has. All three systems have been getting attention because all three systems can go very far , in different ways. The difference however , is that the 360 seems easy to code for , whereas the PS3 , many devs find a nightmare with its architecture and lack of support from Sony [See : GTA IV being delayed , Haze sucking balls dry even after repeated delays , the fact that almost no game has succesfully implemented the all out rip off sixaxis gimmick].

And as Chewy said , I would not rule out an MGS port to the 360 , especially when microsoft will innevitably release a blu-ray player for it a year or two down the line.

Remember Hideo Kojima as being the guy who swore that MGS2 would NEVER go to the xbox ... and it did.

Plus games as a whole are going more and more multiplatform nowdays , as devs are realising they will need a release on multiple formats for higher sales [think of how slow the PS3 is catching on sale wise as opposed to the PS2 , its a very different market landscape this time around].

05-06-2008, 04:00 PM
Console exclusives are said to be dying out, so its likely Xbox will get MGS4 eventually

09-06-2008, 10:43 AM
IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN MGS 4 is tooo Big for 360 why cant you understand and Kojima has said that it works better on PS3.

09-06-2008, 11:08 AM
This game alone makes me want a PS3, Metal Gear series are amazing games

09-06-2008, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by 001steven
IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN MGS 4 is tooo Big for 360 why cant you understand and Kojima has said that it works better on PS3.
And like said , it is likely Microsoft will be forced , at a high cost , to adopt a Blu Ray add on which would allow it to be played on the 360 , no matter what Kojima says.

Why dont you stop being such a fanboy troll?

09-06-2008, 01:59 PM
Also , IGN has yet to upload a review on MGS4.

09-06-2008, 02:01 PM
YOUR the troll.... you keep saying how MGS is coming to 360 ITS NOT and Microsoft have said they are not getting blue ray dont you Read game magazines???

09-06-2008, 02:14 PM
I reckon it'll eventually be released on Xbox, I read that to recupperate the costs of developing the game solely for Ps3, nearly every Ps3 owner will have to go out and buy this game on release day. I'm not sure how reliable that info is but I do know that developement costs were extremely high so business wise I would say it's very likely it will be ported to Xbox 360 sometime in the future.

09-06-2008, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by 001steven
YOUR the troll.... you keep saying how MGS is coming to 360 ITS NOT and Microsoft have said they are not getting blue ray dont you Read game magazines???
I said it might. The idea is 'never say never'. Im playing on guess work. You , on the other hand , are trying to tell me its not as FACT , and theirs no fact on the matter.

Microsoft will eventually cave in to Blu Ray. They have no choice. HD DVD has now died and Blu Ray will replace DVD within 4 years.

09-06-2008, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by 001steven
IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN MGS 4 is tooo Big for 360 why cant you understand and Kojima has said that it works better on PS3. Yeah, 360 will get Blu ray
Plus they can always revert to the old fashioned "Two disc" solution, Kojima and Konami care about one thing

11-06-2008, 09:19 AM
IF YOU READ GAME magazines 'which you obvioulsly dont't.... Konami have a contract with sony just face it 360 fans it will never happen... just like gears of WAS suppose to come to ps3 BUT it wont same with Halo.

I have a 360 and ont care what exclusives it gets same with PS3. the PS3 has finally got a game which is a MUCT have for the PS3

11-06-2008, 12:26 PM
Gears is owned by Microsoft game studios. Konami is not owned by Sony Studios , and can buy out of their contract at any time. So yeah , yuor point is still pretty pointless. MGS4 could come to the 360 at any time.

Back to your game magazines.

11-06-2008, 11:52 PM
Really can't wait for this now. Not long now, the graphics are going to be amazing!

12-06-2008, 08:07 PM
Just finished watching every cutscene in the game , kindly ripped to the internet by some lovely lads , enebaling me to save 400 euro on a PS3 :bigsmile:.

Honestly , its a little dissapointing , as far as the story. It was a comparable expereince to Rocky Balboa. All the old characters. All the old sights and sounds. The folks who turn out to be the founders of the Patriots is a fantastic twist. Never saw that coming. The ending is also great , although HIM being kept alive all this time was just ... plain daft.

Everything else is convoluted at best. Hideo wrote the game on acid , methinks.

16-06-2008, 12:50 PM
MGS 4 is the BEST game this i cant beleive how good it is and love how you get tto visit OLD locations brings back the good old days. MGS 4 has certanly lived up to the hype

16-06-2008, 04:58 PM
What locations do ya visit!
Spill Spill
Pretty Pretty please

17-06-2008, 10:15 PM



19-06-2008, 09:13 AM
you will have to play it as other people my not have completed it yet BUt i can say a Location you do visit is a classic and the ending to MGS 4 is GREAT you will never guess who returns :spin2:

19-06-2008, 11:25 AM
OMG please tell me
but I dont want to know!
but I do!
no I dont

Is it Big Boss? Solidus?

19-06-2008, 12:07 PM
im not saying as it will spoil it for people who havent completed it :wink:

19-06-2008, 12:08 PM
Ok lol I so want to know, but I dont lol