View Full Version : TV's Most Embarrasing Moments

15-09-2004, 10:40 AM
The other night I happened to be watching Channel 5 (a rare thing in my TV calender) when "TV's Most Embarrasing Moments" came on. I thought to myself, I bet there'es some real belters in this compilation! I wasn't disappointed.

Among the list were Richard Maddely's impression of Ali G; that ghastly Tracey Emin drunk at an after awards debate and walking off; Brian Dowling saying the word "minge" on children's TV show SM:TV; the 1989 Brit Awards ceremony with Mick Fleetwood and Sam Fox; Glen Medeiros looking extremely embarrased after a panel of judges slatted his record; Two contestants on Countdown finding the word w*****s (amusingly retold by Giles Brandeth); Jemini singing out of tune during the Eurovision; and Sam Fox (again!) drunk mumbling indecipherably in a Vampire costume attacking her co-host. It was all really cringeworthy stuff, and some I hadn't seen before.

Although Changing Rooms managed the no 1 slot revealing some Goth-looking dungeon for a sitting room, the most embarrasing cringing moment for me was Geri Halliwell's attempt at acting in Sex and the City :blush:. It was so bad I had to avert my eyes and cover my ears! Poor Kim Cattrall who had to look into her eyes during that performance. Poor lass. It was terrible. Now I know why Hollywood producers laughed at her attempts during her audition for Charlie's Angels.

15-09-2004, 08:58 PM
:shocked:was the judys boobs falling out of her dress at the awards not in there? the most embarrasing piece of tv ever but very very funny lol

15-09-2004, 09:23 PM
Yep, seen this before, Andy. :thumbs:

I personally would have given the No. 1 spot to the Mick Fleetwood/Sam Fox Brits debacle. I remember watching it live, and it was the most hilarious couple of hours 'presenting' I've ever seen! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: For example - Sam Fox: '. . . and the winner is . . . . . . ' Person presenting the award ' Aren't you going to read out the nominations first?' Sam Fox: 'here they are - The Four Tops' . . . . and on walks an extremely confused Boy Geoge! Brilliant stuff. :spin2:

15-09-2004, 10:47 PM
I remember that bit. I think Boy George said something like, "I'm the only top" or something. They showed the clip where she began announcing the winner to a catagory only to be asked by Gary Davis (ex-radio 1 DJ) if she was going to read out the nominations first. She just looked totally confused. To be fair, there were so many gaffs during that show they could devote a whole program to it! :laugh:

I'm still scratching my head trying to understand how anyone could think up Mick Fleetwood, who's about 6' 6'', to Sam Fox at 5' ish, as joint presenters.

Originally posted by mizzy
:shocked:was the judys boobs falling out of her dress at the awards not in there? the most embarrasing piece of tv ever but very very funny lol

That was funny, and yes it was included. There were 30 in total. Others I didnt mention were Jarvis Cocker storming the stage at the 1996 Brit Awards during Michael Jackson's performance; Michael Jackson accepting a lifetime achievement award; Janet Jackson's breast popping out at the Super Bowl; Britney and Madonna kissing on stage; Richard Blackwood on some health farm; Victoria Aitken attempting to rap; a contestant's breast popping out on Family Fortunes; Lyn Perry (Corrie) starring in a porn movie; the Royal version of It's a Knockout; Angus Deayton on HIGNFY after being in the newspapers for sleeping with a prostitute; and a streaker invading Fred's map on This Morning.

16-09-2004, 06:51 PM
:bouncy:lol i just remembered the streaker on itvs this morning that was funny. hey that floating island isnt there anymore is it? i used to wish 4 the weather man to fall in did anybody else? lol

16-09-2004, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by mizzy
i used to wish 4 the weather man to fall in did anybody else? lol

I did too mizzy :laugh: Every time he jumped from England to Ireland I was going " fall in goooooooooooooooooo on" :laugh:

06-05-2005, 11:25 PM
whats tht 1 with denise van outen in it called it was soooooooooooooo embarrasing:blush: i could just cry............................... in fact i think i will :bawling:

can someone try to display the top 100 then id besoooooooooo chuffed :laugh:
doodoodoodoo-doo cant touch this :dance:

07-05-2005, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by Amy
Originally posted by mizzy
i used to wish 4 the weather man to fall in did anybody else? lol

I did too mizzy :laugh: Every time he jumped form England to Ireland I was going " fall in goooooooooooooooooo on" :laugh:

me too!

he fell in once didnt he? im sure ...:devil: