View Full Version : Get La Toya Out -- Talking Behind People's Backs

20-01-2009, 06:39 AM
She's really an annoying bitch! She sits there, sees what Coolio's doing, and then goes and says that Michelle is purposely trying to get Coolio in trouble.

La Toya is really a nasty piece of work!

20-01-2009, 08:27 AM
Get La Toya out she don't deserve to win.

20-01-2009, 08:52 AM
All the Jackson family are freaks. Not normal at all, kick her out and may Coolio win! :D

20-01-2009, 10:04 AM
Yeah lets get someone out because they have done something the slightest bit entertaining
I don't think saying a few things things peoples backs qualifies as being a nasty piece of work

20-01-2009, 10:08 AM
Listen UK---- Latoya is NOT a celebrity here in the USA.... She is Michael Jacksons sister, AND THAT IS IT !!

Everyone there is saying hoe beautiful she is,,, is everyone in that house drugged?? Her face looks like a stretched balloon....

You guys keep her and Coolio,

Latoya is a coniving bitch, and if you dont see it, then the editiing is great!

20-01-2009, 12:43 PM
Haha EVERYONE in that house has BITCHED

20-01-2009, 01:35 PM
Life revovles around bitching and gossip.

20-01-2009, 01:53 PM
kick that witch out!!!

and I don't get why people say she's pretty!
She's so ugly!!!

20-01-2009, 01:59 PM
She is pretty for a 52 year old, she puts Ulrika to shame

20-01-2009, 02:02 PM
Yes we get it, you dislike her. Stop with all the ****ing threads.

20-01-2009, 02:09 PM
Why do people hate her?

I really dont get it

20-01-2009, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by TomV87
Why do people hate her?

I really dont get it

she's an apsolute freak!!
and she's just so two faced and nasty!!!

20-01-2009, 02:19 PM
H|ow is she a freak? and two faced??


20-01-2009, 02:20 PM
She's a Michelle fan lol it wouldn't be a fair opinion to take from her because them two obviously had issues :p

20-01-2009, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by TomV87
How is she a freak? and two faced??


errr...have you not seen or heard her?
her laugh makes me leave the room!!

because she talks about people behind their backs way too much!
She acts all nice and friendly to their faces and then stabs them in the back!!

20-01-2009, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by amby
Originally posted by TomV87
How is she a freak? and two faced??


errr...have you not seen or heard her?
her laugh makes me leave the room!!

because she talks about people behind their backs way too much!
She acts all nice and friendly to their faces and then stabs them in the back!!

She cant help how she laughs? its cute anyway


20-01-2009, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by TomV87
Originally posted by amby
Originally posted by TomV87
How is she a freak? and two faced??


errr...have you not seen or heard her?
her laugh makes me leave the room!!

because she talks about people behind their backs way too much!
She acts all nice and friendly to their faces and then stabs them in the back!!

She cant help how she laughs? its cute anyway


yeah, but she's just so sly!

20-01-2009, 02:30 PM
How is she sly? she is very shy and reserved, so of course she isnt going to say it face to face with the person.

That isnt being sly

20-01-2009, 02:33 PM
she's all nice to people to their face and completely betrays them behind their backs.

She's a sh*t stirrer aswell!
She kept telling Coolio and others that Michelle was playing a game, which wasn't true!
Michelle knew full well that her crying would annoy some of the public.

20-01-2009, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by amby
she's all nice to people to their face and completely betrays them behind their backs.

She's a sh*t stirrer aswell!
She kept telling Coolio and others that Michelle was playing a game, which wasn't true!
Michelle knew full well that her crying would annoy some of the public.

Everyone is nice to everyone in that house! They all get on sometimes

Coolio said she had a game plan WAY before Latoya said anything to him!

20-01-2009, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Markus
She's a Michelle fan lol it wouldn't be a fair opinion to take from her because them two obviously had issues :p

just because I'm a Michelle fan I don't deserve an opinion on Latoya??:rolleyes:

20-01-2009, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by amby
Originally posted by Markus
She's a Michelle fan lol it wouldn't be a fair opinion to take from her because them two obviously had issues :p

just because I'm a Michelle fan I don't deserve an opinion on Latoya??:rolleyes:

haha Michelle had no standards and was a complete B***h! Talk about two faced and attention seeking lol

Good byeeeeeee Michelle :P

20-01-2009, 02:43 PM
Michelle wasn't two faced lol.
or attention seeking.
she cried because she was hurt by the things Coolio was saying!

20-01-2009, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by amby
Michelle wasn't two faced lol.
or attention seeking.
she cried because she was hurt by the things Coolio was saying!

LOL yea good one. Shilpa cried less and she was a proper victim.

She was whiney and whingy, and thats why she has gone :)

20-01-2009, 02:49 PM
some people just cry alot.
so what?

20-01-2009, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by amby
some people just cry alot.
so what?

Mainly for attention lol

20-01-2009, 02:56 PM
some people are just very emotional.

I can't help but cry sometimes. I try to not cry but I can't.

20-01-2009, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by amby
some people are just very emotional.

I can't help but cry sometimes. I try to not cry but I can't.

Ok but you can understand how that can be seen as attention seeking? especially in big brother

20-01-2009, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by TomV87
Originally posted by amby
some people are just very emotional.

I can't help but cry sometimes. I try to not cry but I can't.

Ok but you can understand how that can be seen as attention seeking? especially in big brother

oh yeah! But I do think she was being genuine!

20-01-2009, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by amby
Originally posted by TomV87
Originally posted by amby
some people are just very emotional.

I can't help but cry sometimes. I try to not cry but I can't.

Ok but you can understand how that can be seen as attention seeking? especially in big brother

oh yeah! But I do think she was being genuine!

But Michelle watches and knows BB better than any of the housemates this this, so she knows whats going down and how the game works

20-01-2009, 03:41 PM
She knew that crying would make her disliked - she said so!!

20-01-2009, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by amby
She knew that crying would make her disliked - she said so!!

So why moan when Latoya disliked it?

20-01-2009, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by TomV87
Originally posted by amby
She knew that crying would make her disliked - she said so!!

So why moan when Latoya disliked it?

Latoya said that Michelle had a game pland and was crying to gain fans.

Michelle said that she can't help crying and that she knew that it would annoy the public.

two totally different things!!

21-01-2009, 10:02 AM
Listen UK,,, Latoya Jackson is NOT a celebrity here is the USA,,, and why are so many "newbies" signing on to defend or ypgrade her????

Hmmm? Sounds like a Jackson Family attack!!

She has posed in Playboy, she stood in front of her brother Michaels house with television cameras begging him to come out and not harm any more little boys...

She has been institusionalized for mental illness.(several times) She hasnt got a grip on reality---yet she is on a reality TV show in the UK----Perfect!!

She got married because she wanted to--- not forced, and she got her black eyes and injuries from self infliction from falling after drug induced nights....Do your homework...

She is fooling you all over there.... and your all buying it...Ha!

She is so beautiful???? Her face looks like plastic..

Such a hard life??? Give me a break,,,, some kid who grew up with no designer clothes, or got chained to a bed and molested, or beat by their parents----THATS A HARD LIFE!!

Get Real UK,,, Open your eyes to a fake.

22-09-2015, 05:38 PM

22-09-2015, 05:42 PM
Did the OP lie about LaToya though


22-09-2015, 05:47 PM
Me looking for any of these members now


24-09-2015, 05:41 PM
Latoya is probs my favorite ever female CBB houseguest. :clap1:

24-09-2015, 06:10 PM
La Toya'R'Us lives on :clap1:

24-09-2015, 07:07 PM
Me looking for any of these members now


I miss Cracker Queen

25-09-2015, 12:55 AM
amby is literally me defending emotional Gail this series. <3

27-09-2015, 02:01 PM
This is why life has got better since 2009 #EQUALRIGHTSFORLATOYA

27-09-2015, 03:00 PM
LaToya :love: