11-01-2005, 02:38 PM
Hi All,
Firstly I would like to wish you all a happy new year and I hope you all have a great 2005, I was really flattered to be asked back on the forum and I must say that having quickly read the questions below how refreshing to get some original questions although slightly disappointed there are no taxing ones about me and Abi Titmarsh !
I always in these situations will be completely honest (that usually gets me in most trouble) and I will have also given you an original answer even if I have had a similar question before any way here we go....
Rach would like to know....
I'd like to know which of the housemates Stuart keeps in touch with?
Hi Rach
I keep in contact with a lot of the ex housemates from all series, you tend to bump into them every now and again and I guess its like being in prison with someone you share this weird bond so exchanging numbers and staying in touch seems quite normal,
BB1 - mainly Boo hiss Nasty Nick and Craig, although I have met Mel, Claire, Tom, Andy, Sada and Anna
BB2 - I stay in touch from time to time with them all -- yes yes even Penny and Amma, obviously working with Dean I can`t get away from him, I regularly speak to Narinder who I feel does gets a real hard time and I am close friends with Helen and Paul, Helen and I share the same agent ( if your interested !)
BB3 - As you know I went to Sophie and Lee`s wedding and they are well, I have met PJ, Spencer and I have been out for a beer, I have also seen a few times Alison and Kate plus I have met Johnny, Alex, Lynne and Sunita if you remember them !
BB4- I actually had a drink only last night with John Tickle and Gos, I have done an event for the homeless with Sissy and met her out quite a few times, bumped into Lisa only a few weeks ago and didn`t recognise her at all, she does look really good and I sort of got stuck what to say as a comment like oh sorry I didn`t recognise you last time we met you were a mess !! spoken to here since in fact on new year eve so i think I am forgiven.. have met Justine as she went out with Nick for a while, also Ray and Frederico - not
bad as I didn`t really watch that series.
BB5 - now I didn`t watch this one at ALL - but I have met Emma as she goes out with my PR agent - you may have seen our picture in OK magazine over Xmas (thats me showing off now) I have also met Becky however she thought I was Nasty Nick - not a great start to a meeting I must say ! I also have met Victor and one other guy who I have no idea of his name and didn`t recognise
Celeb bb`S - Vanessa, Mark Owen, Jack Dee, Chris Eubank and Anthea Turner - all of whom were really nice to me !
out of all of the bb2 housemates who does he think has changed most since leaving the house?
Great question BTW - if I am honest because I spent time with them in the house they are all just normal to me and I guess that all of us want each other to do well, I think that when you are given so much attention it is difficulty to keep your feet on the ground but now all the BB2 housemates
are just the same.
I'd also like to know when was the last time all the housemates were together?
I think Rach you mean the BB2 housemates and that was back in May of 2002 where I organised a reunion for us all in London, we met up and in a small restaurant in London watched a scratchy portable TV of the BB3 housemates
all going into BB for the first time, very funny very drunken and if I ever meet you I will tell you some of the stories that are not printable or may be saved for my Autobiography.
what were the best and worst things about being in the house?
The Best things I met 10 great new friends and shared a very very weird experience with them all, I think the worst thing is the 2d image that was created for me, I have faults like everyone else I didn`t realise though that these were the only bits that were to be shown and not the real me but hey we all now know thats the risk you take when playing with BB.
Has your opinion of any of your fellow housemates changed,for better or worse since leaving the house?
Not really as I said before it was a game inside the house that some played better than others, because we all shared the same experience its difficult for anyone to really change outside what we know about them. I am lucky that Dean and I are close and have become closer because of the work we do, Narinder is a good friend and we can speak to each other about things that to anyone else would sound a bit crap, and Paul and Helen are great Friends as well and we have a good relationship very trusting, in fact thats what it
is you trust those people from BB2 because they know you and what you are going through.
BusyBee would like to know....
Do you think appearing in Big Brother changed you as a person permanently and if so in what way.
Hello BusyBee, thanks for taking the time to ask some questions... I think I have changed, I have learn`t a lot about me, my friends, relationships etc I am really enjoying life at the moment... need to get a job but I am happy.
What do you think of the later BBs, which did you prefer and why.
Another great question .... I struggled to watch some of the later BB shows it started to bring up a lot of memories and I got quite upset seeing how the program manipulates the contestants and the audience in seeing people in certain ways, I think that the show has a great format but they are messing with it especially now and its certainly not the BB I was in, so I guess BB2 was the best and always will be......
Do you think that present day housemates are going into the house for different reasons to your year and year 1.
I think there are no excuses for housemates these days, you know how the media treats BB people and that you could be the nicest person alive and yet be shown to be a complete villain, we did not do the show to be famous most of us in bb2 were completely naive to what would happen - me included and that we used to joke saying god no one will want to watch us we are so I think now people are going for 15mins of fame but I am afraid that bb is like having a criminal record in that its very hard to be seen as yourself and get opportunities and you have to work 3 x as hard to convince people you are different and not just "one of those BB people" -- oh **** - that sounds really negative and moany - so the quick answer better be Yes !
How would you have fared if you had been put into the
house with the housemates from last year.
Man .... Big Brother 5 was a freak show, I haven`t got enough tattoo`s to have even got the application form through the post, if I was in BB5 they would have boiled me and ate me for breakfast...
If you knew then what you know now, would you have gone into the house?
Most definitely - I went in BB2 to be myself warts and all, now realising what the game is I would have been in the diary room every 2 minuets I would have bit my tongue every five minuets and slept for the whole series.
If any of your children in the future talk about going on a reality tv show would you encourage or discourage them.
Loving these questions -- if my kids want to do a show like that who am I to stop them - they would only rebel and do it anyway, if you have a dream then try and fulfil it and have no regrets by looking back. I would do another reality show if asked.
Would you have liked to be included in the housemates for BB5?
NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO - Well actually NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...a scary bunch of inmates oh sorry housemates
James would like to Know....
On Stuart's webpage there's an acting credit for a film.
'2004, Film, Acting - Main Character - July, Damned, My Darling, Baron Lee
Productions, Leon Bell'
I was wondering what this was?
Hi James, thanks for looking at my web page hurray your the one .... I have tried many different things since getting this media career and I was on an acting course some time last year, I auditioned for a couple of things, even a part in a film with Anthony Stuart and Patsy Kensit, I got offered the role in this small film quite a dark comedy, when I read the script it looked great the guys making the film were fantastic I got to run about with a gun on a beach and I had this really cool death scene where I got to die by being shot at the end.. loved it.
Sticks would like to know...
Hello Sticks - hope you are well not heard from you in a while
When will his website be back up ?
The web site at the moment is a bit stuck, its more of a reference point if you want to find me I will be putting some voice over stuff that I have just recorded plus my radio demo is going on the site, I have had a few interviews for radio presenting recently so I have updated that with some of the work I did on mix96 (loved that job) plus may use it to put on my show real as well. The main sites though are and they have some updates about Dean and I.
Did BB really completely ruin your life as has been reported?
Lots of things as you know get written out of context, the piece in the Sun that I think you were referring to was based on an interview I gave, I was trying to state that its difficult to be taken seriously and get any type of opportunity because of the way Big Brother people are perceived in general, I think it lost translation along the red top ways!
BDGA would like to know....
Were you invited to take part in the recent panto and what are your impressions of it?
Hi BDGA - Love to know what that stands for....I was approached to take part in the early stages but originally the show was going to be on C4 and over Xmas day and New years eve something I was unwilling to do, I was then reapproached but then it went quiet I think Nick was chosen instead of me?
I only saw the TV final performance and lets face it its panto, Tim and Spencer had great parts and I WOULD LOVE TO BE A LADY ! Cause I drink Ladies drinks....... (little Britain if you are unsure) Thought that Jade as Cinders was wrong far too aggressive and not the sweet angelic character its supposed to be, but not bad fun value although I hear behind the scenes were a little ..turbulent.
Have you or any other of your BB2 housemates been asked to take part in any other reality shows?
I did mention that I would definitely like to do one, I have been asked to do something on Living..very early days yet but Ghost related... I also have "read" that I will be asked to do Celebrity Fame Academy in March and that is something I would say yes to, I really like the look of that show and as
its for Comic relief you get to help charity at the same time, as for can I sing...... you`ll just have to wait and see ..I will be appearing next week in the karaoke bar Covent garden London...
Do you believe the media interest in ex housemates has risen as each subsequent series has unfolded, or do you think that as time has progressed housemates are having to sell their soul's to get any sort of 'celebrity status'?
Wow - bloody interesting question - I think I have been really fortunate in keeping a steady profile, I do have a number of friendly journo`s that I speak to and luckily I do still have an agent that pushes things around for me, I do feel that it gets harder for the contestants, look at Cameron
winner series 4 ??? this year they seemed to have disappeared quite quickly, the inevitable will happen the 10 year anniversary program and each year they do the were are they now, I will never be ashamed of being on BB2 its where it all started for me and I think I was fortunate enough to be in early enough to avoid the wanabee tag line and fortunate enough to be in early enough when you could get a genuine mix of good people in for the experience
and not looking for anything else from the show.
Maggie would like to know...
If you'd not had the arguments you'd have probably lasted a lot longer. Which would have made a very different BB2
How do you think the public would see you now if this had happened ?
Thanks for your question Maggie... I do regret both the arguments especially because they were with the girls, its funny because the majority of my friends are girls, I was however being true to myself, the arguments didn`t
really effect my relationships with Amma or Penny as mentioned I still see and speak to them, we got over the arguments in the house the same or very next day and it was forgotten its just that BB tends to prolong your
mistakes for a bit longer than that.
I am a very different person to how I was shown the majority of the time, yes I can be a complete arse from time to time but cant we all, I do hope one day that you get to see the real me and this is not a moan at BB because
I made a mistake it just that I did that in front of millions of people ..DOH ! I guess I don`t want my legacy to be oh thats that horrid bloke because I am not and I leave that to Nasty Nick who I stay friends with cause he makes me look great.....LOL
Ig would like to know.....
Would you do it again?
Hello Ig... Yes I would...for much more Money but I would love to go back and see how I cope now knowing what I know.. and boy would I give BB a hard time and not the housemates !
What did you hope to gain from the experience and did you get it?
I hoped to learn something about me I also wanted a massive change in my life, I did get both and a bit more than I bargained for as well, the experience can never be taken away from me and I know that I had a much different experience in that house than what you saw from at home on TV. I want to carry on working in media I like it, its frustrating as hell but the highs are better than the lows.
Thank you for all your questions, its taking me flipping hours to type them out next time I am coming in to sit down and just ramble away at least then Amy would have all the work to do. hopefully see you all soon. Peace Stuart
and finally my cheeky question.....
Do you still keep in touch with Helen and Paul? If you do have they married yet?
Rumour has it that 2004 was the year! Was it?
Sorry my lips are sealed...........oh come on what am I supposed to say, if I were them I would sneak off get married or have they already....bye bye x
Thanks Stuart you've made a lot of BB2 fanatics very happy.
Firstly I would like to wish you all a happy new year and I hope you all have a great 2005, I was really flattered to be asked back on the forum and I must say that having quickly read the questions below how refreshing to get some original questions although slightly disappointed there are no taxing ones about me and Abi Titmarsh !
I always in these situations will be completely honest (that usually gets me in most trouble) and I will have also given you an original answer even if I have had a similar question before any way here we go....
Rach would like to know....
I'd like to know which of the housemates Stuart keeps in touch with?
Hi Rach
I keep in contact with a lot of the ex housemates from all series, you tend to bump into them every now and again and I guess its like being in prison with someone you share this weird bond so exchanging numbers and staying in touch seems quite normal,
BB1 - mainly Boo hiss Nasty Nick and Craig, although I have met Mel, Claire, Tom, Andy, Sada and Anna
BB2 - I stay in touch from time to time with them all -- yes yes even Penny and Amma, obviously working with Dean I can`t get away from him, I regularly speak to Narinder who I feel does gets a real hard time and I am close friends with Helen and Paul, Helen and I share the same agent ( if your interested !)
BB3 - As you know I went to Sophie and Lee`s wedding and they are well, I have met PJ, Spencer and I have been out for a beer, I have also seen a few times Alison and Kate plus I have met Johnny, Alex, Lynne and Sunita if you remember them !
BB4- I actually had a drink only last night with John Tickle and Gos, I have done an event for the homeless with Sissy and met her out quite a few times, bumped into Lisa only a few weeks ago and didn`t recognise her at all, she does look really good and I sort of got stuck what to say as a comment like oh sorry I didn`t recognise you last time we met you were a mess !! spoken to here since in fact on new year eve so i think I am forgiven.. have met Justine as she went out with Nick for a while, also Ray and Frederico - not
bad as I didn`t really watch that series.
BB5 - now I didn`t watch this one at ALL - but I have met Emma as she goes out with my PR agent - you may have seen our picture in OK magazine over Xmas (thats me showing off now) I have also met Becky however she thought I was Nasty Nick - not a great start to a meeting I must say ! I also have met Victor and one other guy who I have no idea of his name and didn`t recognise
Celeb bb`S - Vanessa, Mark Owen, Jack Dee, Chris Eubank and Anthea Turner - all of whom were really nice to me !
out of all of the bb2 housemates who does he think has changed most since leaving the house?
Great question BTW - if I am honest because I spent time with them in the house they are all just normal to me and I guess that all of us want each other to do well, I think that when you are given so much attention it is difficulty to keep your feet on the ground but now all the BB2 housemates
are just the same.
I'd also like to know when was the last time all the housemates were together?
I think Rach you mean the BB2 housemates and that was back in May of 2002 where I organised a reunion for us all in London, we met up and in a small restaurant in London watched a scratchy portable TV of the BB3 housemates
all going into BB for the first time, very funny very drunken and if I ever meet you I will tell you some of the stories that are not printable or may be saved for my Autobiography.
what were the best and worst things about being in the house?
The Best things I met 10 great new friends and shared a very very weird experience with them all, I think the worst thing is the 2d image that was created for me, I have faults like everyone else I didn`t realise though that these were the only bits that were to be shown and not the real me but hey we all now know thats the risk you take when playing with BB.
Has your opinion of any of your fellow housemates changed,for better or worse since leaving the house?
Not really as I said before it was a game inside the house that some played better than others, because we all shared the same experience its difficult for anyone to really change outside what we know about them. I am lucky that Dean and I are close and have become closer because of the work we do, Narinder is a good friend and we can speak to each other about things that to anyone else would sound a bit crap, and Paul and Helen are great Friends as well and we have a good relationship very trusting, in fact thats what it
is you trust those people from BB2 because they know you and what you are going through.
BusyBee would like to know....
Do you think appearing in Big Brother changed you as a person permanently and if so in what way.
Hello BusyBee, thanks for taking the time to ask some questions... I think I have changed, I have learn`t a lot about me, my friends, relationships etc I am really enjoying life at the moment... need to get a job but I am happy.
What do you think of the later BBs, which did you prefer and why.
Another great question .... I struggled to watch some of the later BB shows it started to bring up a lot of memories and I got quite upset seeing how the program manipulates the contestants and the audience in seeing people in certain ways, I think that the show has a great format but they are messing with it especially now and its certainly not the BB I was in, so I guess BB2 was the best and always will be......
Do you think that present day housemates are going into the house for different reasons to your year and year 1.
I think there are no excuses for housemates these days, you know how the media treats BB people and that you could be the nicest person alive and yet be shown to be a complete villain, we did not do the show to be famous most of us in bb2 were completely naive to what would happen - me included and that we used to joke saying god no one will want to watch us we are so I think now people are going for 15mins of fame but I am afraid that bb is like having a criminal record in that its very hard to be seen as yourself and get opportunities and you have to work 3 x as hard to convince people you are different and not just "one of those BB people" -- oh **** - that sounds really negative and moany - so the quick answer better be Yes !
How would you have fared if you had been put into the
house with the housemates from last year.
Man .... Big Brother 5 was a freak show, I haven`t got enough tattoo`s to have even got the application form through the post, if I was in BB5 they would have boiled me and ate me for breakfast...
If you knew then what you know now, would you have gone into the house?
Most definitely - I went in BB2 to be myself warts and all, now realising what the game is I would have been in the diary room every 2 minuets I would have bit my tongue every five minuets and slept for the whole series.
If any of your children in the future talk about going on a reality tv show would you encourage or discourage them.
Loving these questions -- if my kids want to do a show like that who am I to stop them - they would only rebel and do it anyway, if you have a dream then try and fulfil it and have no regrets by looking back. I would do another reality show if asked.
Would you have liked to be included in the housemates for BB5?
NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO - Well actually NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...a scary bunch of inmates oh sorry housemates
James would like to Know....
On Stuart's webpage there's an acting credit for a film.
'2004, Film, Acting - Main Character - July, Damned, My Darling, Baron Lee
Productions, Leon Bell'
I was wondering what this was?
Hi James, thanks for looking at my web page hurray your the one .... I have tried many different things since getting this media career and I was on an acting course some time last year, I auditioned for a couple of things, even a part in a film with Anthony Stuart and Patsy Kensit, I got offered the role in this small film quite a dark comedy, when I read the script it looked great the guys making the film were fantastic I got to run about with a gun on a beach and I had this really cool death scene where I got to die by being shot at the end.. loved it.
Sticks would like to know...
Hello Sticks - hope you are well not heard from you in a while
When will his website be back up ?
The web site at the moment is a bit stuck, its more of a reference point if you want to find me I will be putting some voice over stuff that I have just recorded plus my radio demo is going on the site, I have had a few interviews for radio presenting recently so I have updated that with some of the work I did on mix96 (loved that job) plus may use it to put on my show real as well. The main sites though are and they have some updates about Dean and I.
Did BB really completely ruin your life as has been reported?
Lots of things as you know get written out of context, the piece in the Sun that I think you were referring to was based on an interview I gave, I was trying to state that its difficult to be taken seriously and get any type of opportunity because of the way Big Brother people are perceived in general, I think it lost translation along the red top ways!
BDGA would like to know....
Were you invited to take part in the recent panto and what are your impressions of it?
Hi BDGA - Love to know what that stands for....I was approached to take part in the early stages but originally the show was going to be on C4 and over Xmas day and New years eve something I was unwilling to do, I was then reapproached but then it went quiet I think Nick was chosen instead of me?
I only saw the TV final performance and lets face it its panto, Tim and Spencer had great parts and I WOULD LOVE TO BE A LADY ! Cause I drink Ladies drinks....... (little Britain if you are unsure) Thought that Jade as Cinders was wrong far too aggressive and not the sweet angelic character its supposed to be, but not bad fun value although I hear behind the scenes were a little ..turbulent.
Have you or any other of your BB2 housemates been asked to take part in any other reality shows?
I did mention that I would definitely like to do one, I have been asked to do something on Living..very early days yet but Ghost related... I also have "read" that I will be asked to do Celebrity Fame Academy in March and that is something I would say yes to, I really like the look of that show and as
its for Comic relief you get to help charity at the same time, as for can I sing...... you`ll just have to wait and see ..I will be appearing next week in the karaoke bar Covent garden London...
Do you believe the media interest in ex housemates has risen as each subsequent series has unfolded, or do you think that as time has progressed housemates are having to sell their soul's to get any sort of 'celebrity status'?
Wow - bloody interesting question - I think I have been really fortunate in keeping a steady profile, I do have a number of friendly journo`s that I speak to and luckily I do still have an agent that pushes things around for me, I do feel that it gets harder for the contestants, look at Cameron
winner series 4 ??? this year they seemed to have disappeared quite quickly, the inevitable will happen the 10 year anniversary program and each year they do the were are they now, I will never be ashamed of being on BB2 its where it all started for me and I think I was fortunate enough to be in early enough to avoid the wanabee tag line and fortunate enough to be in early enough when you could get a genuine mix of good people in for the experience
and not looking for anything else from the show.
Maggie would like to know...
If you'd not had the arguments you'd have probably lasted a lot longer. Which would have made a very different BB2
How do you think the public would see you now if this had happened ?
Thanks for your question Maggie... I do regret both the arguments especially because they were with the girls, its funny because the majority of my friends are girls, I was however being true to myself, the arguments didn`t
really effect my relationships with Amma or Penny as mentioned I still see and speak to them, we got over the arguments in the house the same or very next day and it was forgotten its just that BB tends to prolong your
mistakes for a bit longer than that.
I am a very different person to how I was shown the majority of the time, yes I can be a complete arse from time to time but cant we all, I do hope one day that you get to see the real me and this is not a moan at BB because
I made a mistake it just that I did that in front of millions of people ..DOH ! I guess I don`t want my legacy to be oh thats that horrid bloke because I am not and I leave that to Nasty Nick who I stay friends with cause he makes me look great.....LOL
Ig would like to know.....
Would you do it again?
Hello Ig... Yes I would...for much more Money but I would love to go back and see how I cope now knowing what I know.. and boy would I give BB a hard time and not the housemates !
What did you hope to gain from the experience and did you get it?
I hoped to learn something about me I also wanted a massive change in my life, I did get both and a bit more than I bargained for as well, the experience can never be taken away from me and I know that I had a much different experience in that house than what you saw from at home on TV. I want to carry on working in media I like it, its frustrating as hell but the highs are better than the lows.
Thank you for all your questions, its taking me flipping hours to type them out next time I am coming in to sit down and just ramble away at least then Amy would have all the work to do. hopefully see you all soon. Peace Stuart
and finally my cheeky question.....
Do you still keep in touch with Helen and Paul? If you do have they married yet?
Rumour has it that 2004 was the year! Was it?
Sorry my lips are sealed...........oh come on what am I supposed to say, if I were them I would sneak off get married or have they already....bye bye x
Thanks Stuart you've made a lot of BB2 fanatics very happy.