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Conversation Between Patrick and Raph
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 63
  1. Raph
    22-07-2012 11:05 PM

    Some new posts in there, it'll help get your mind off BBUSA man BB9 for life!
  2. Raph
    20-09-2010 06:22 PM
    miss ya man
  3. Raph
    05-09-2010 05:09 PM
    Nah don't dude. I'm staying, maybe not as frequently but I'll still be on for 30 minutes a day or so. It's become a tradition to come on TiBB now
  4. Patrick
    05-09-2010 05:05 PM
    I'm thinking about going for a while yeah.
  5. Raph
    05-09-2010 05:04 PM
    Dude you're not leaving TiBB after Big Brother ends, are you?
  6. Patrick
    04-09-2010 09:37 PM
    Oh what ******ing bastards, you never know who's your mates on here anymore.
    I bet some of them are regular posters who act as if they like us

    Two faced.

    Thanks for telling me though
  7. Raph
    04-09-2010 09:31 PM
    Hey dude. Basically anonymous people were basically just talking crap about a whole bunch of us. They kept saying I 'wasn't Welsh' and that 'Patrick is an ummature idiot' and ridiculous things like that. I left straight away as I thought it was stupid of people to anonymously insult people, especially some as awesome as yourself
  8. Patrick
    04-09-2010 09:21 PM
    Hello Sir Raph!
    I was wondering, well I just went onto Harb's profile and saw your comment about the chat room and how people should be able to say stuff to me themselves?

    I wasn't there obviously lol So can you tell me what was said and possibly who said it?
  9. Patrick
    13-08-2010 09:58 AM
    lol Thanks
  10. Raph
    13-08-2010 06:46 AM
    what a legendary background you got there, Paddy

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