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Conversation Between LaLaLand and Kate!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 42
  1. LaLaLand
    29-08-2020 12:42 PM
    Hey Kate! I’m fine thank you, enjoying a quiet weekend. How are you doing?
  2. Kate!
    27-08-2020 04:41 PM
    Hello luvvie. How's things. X
  3. Kate!
    18-08-2020 06:50 PM
    please check the pub quiz thread. I have replied to your post. Xx
  4. Kate!
    10-04-2020 03:18 AM
    Oh you are really disciplined lol with these nightly exercises. I don't know....I may spam the the thread list
  5. LaLaLand
    10-04-2020 03:15 AM
    Sorry Kate I was doing my nightly exercises (making use of insomnia haha).

    What shall we do!?
  6. Kate!
    10-04-2020 02:36 AM
    There is only us online. Haha. Lets take over. X
  7. Kate!
    02-04-2020 06:04 PM
    Thank you for your list of things about me. Xx

    You.....Art Photography Funny Sweet Honest.
  8. Kate!
    31-03-2020 05:02 AM
    Yes I had counselling and it was brilliant. She was so good.

    Heading back to bed now for a couple hours. Have a good day. Birds are tweeting
  9. LaLaLand
    31-03-2020 04:57 AM
    We shall see..! Oh I'm sorry to hear that - if it makes you feel any better I've had two myself. One when I was 20 and one late-2018 until mid-last year. Awful but feel better for battling through, the last one is what instigated my weight loss (just hit 9stone loss!!). "Tough times don't last, tough people do!"
  10. Kate!
    31-03-2020 04:51 AM
    I'll make a guess that you will place somewhere around 30th which is excellent for your first entry But any placing is good. I came 50th once. Was still pleased. Then I had my break from the forum cos I had a breakdown in real life. But returned when I was better a couple of years later. Xx

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