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Conversation Between BBfanUSA and Cranbenny Jamin
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. Cranbenny Jamin
    07-01-2015 03:22 PM
    Cranbenny Jamin
    Please can you pop in here:


    and say I donate £1000 to Ben's Booby fund please?

  2. Cranbenny Jamin
    26-01-2014 03:04 PM
    Cranbenny Jamin
    Not to worry.
  3. BBfanUSA
    26-01-2014 02:01 AM
    I Know that I haven't messaged you back about Elimination but I realized that College would get in the way. Sorry
  4. Cranbenny Jamin
    10-01-2014 11:31 PM
    Cranbenny Jamin
    Thought maybe you'd be interested in this.

  5. BBfanUSA
    29-12-2012 08:31 PM
    Uh just seeing if you forgot to do it.
  6. BBfanUSA
    29-12-2012 01:47 AM
    Original as in BBfanUSA. I used Brandon because I though that would be easier to say
  7. Cranbenny Jamin
    29-12-2012 12:52 AM
    Cranbenny Jamin
    No worries, do you want it back as the original or your name Brandon, I believe that is free.
  8. BBfanUSA
    29-12-2012 12:41 AM
    Whoops forgot to ask to have this changed back to BBFanUSA
  9. Cranbenny Jamin
    30-11-2012 01:37 PM
    Cranbenny Jamin
    Lol, I tried to. Yeah just for festive season, I can change your username to your name after if you like?
  10. BBfanUSA
    30-11-2012 01:34 PM
    Yes But I wished You gave me a heads up. :P Thanks anyway (For the festive season correct?)

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