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Today 06:41 AMAmmi
Yesterday 05:59 PMAmmi
11-03-2025 07:51 AMAmmi…
…that’s pretty magical, isn’t it…the voice is a little bit similar to Andra Day who I absolutely adore…so I’ll leave you with her this morning and hope that you start to feel a bit better through the day…
11-03-2025 06:55 AMAmmi…I love that Noops track, it would have been a great entry for Liechtenstein…
11-03-2025 06:52 AMAmmi
11-03-2025 06:28 AMAmmi….honestly, I’m so hopping about for the next Euro edition to be announced so that I can look at which countries I can find songs to represent…I have the bug badly…
11-03-2025 06:25 AMAmmi…so this is a nice slow and low pace and soothing for your Tuesday…
11-03-2025 06:25 AMAmmi…yeah I love the Ruth one as well…
…it’s a music gift that I was given by someone so I regifted it to you as well but you’re obviously familiar with the soundtrack….ughhhhh to the laryngitis, I feel as though I’m coming down with something as well since we were away at the weekend…I hope that you start to feel better soon…
…if you’re doing overtime and training for your walk, you might need to slow it down a bit and balance some chill time in there as well…
10-03-2025 08:01 AMAmmi
10-03-2025 06:44 AMAmmi…how have I not heard Trills before…?…I love this…
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- Anna
It's never too late to be who you once could have been...
Quote:Originally Posted by MTVN
Anyway there's an explanation and I don't really appreciate your tone. It's very aggressive so I'm going to close this, sorry for killing the internet mate
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06-03-2025 |
08:11 AM - Ammi mentioned Benjamin in post Glastonbury 2025… … Benjamin ….Alanis doing a set... |
22-02-2025 |
07:00 PM - Josiah. mentioned Benjamin in post TiBB Music Festival: Malmö 16 // And the winner is... (pg. 13) ...2;
Ammi Barry. Benjamin jones89 Vanessa ... |
04:42 PM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post January/February JukeBox! Round 12. Freestyle. Songs posted. Vote please xx ...free style round??
Benjamin Cherie jones89 Beso ... |
17-02-2025 |
06:01 AM - Mystic Mock mentioned Benjamin in post Albums League. ...rrier I say.)
And Benjamin I'm open to trying o... |
15-02-2025 |
07:00 PM - Josiah. mentioned Benjamin in post TiBB Music Festival: Malmö 16 // And the winner is... (pg. 13) ...
Ammi Barry. Benjamin jones89 Kate! ... |
07-02-2025 |
06:13 PM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post January/February JukeBox! Round 12. Freestyle. Songs posted. Vote please xx ...w all posted....
Benjamin Cherie Mystic Mock... |
13-01-2025 |
10:33 PM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post January/February JukeBox! Round 12. Freestyle. Songs posted. Vote please xx Cherie Benjamin
Ok guys, so here's ... |
06-01-2025 |
04:37 PM - Josiah. mentioned Benjamin in post TiBB Music Festival: All-Stars 01 // Cancelled Because of Complaints Benjamin, I chose two of the ... |
04:31 PM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post TiBB Music Festival: All-Stars 01 // Cancelled Because of Complaints ...onth.
Nicky91 Benjamin Ammi Mystic Mock... |
31-12-2024 |
02:30 PM - Nicky91 mentioned Benjamin in post ESC Top 250 of 2024: Voting Opens 18 November 2024 https://www.efr12.com/radio/
... |
26-12-2024 |
08:47 AM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post When I count my blessings....I count Ammi twice! ... I've reflected and Benjamin was right, the world... |
22-12-2024 |
05:27 PM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post New Official Thread for the Christmas Story 2024. Starts today. Cranbenny Jamin can you suppl... |
21-12-2024 |
12:26 PM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post A Duck's Christmas Song! My kids think this is great. ... |
15-12-2024 |
07:05 AM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post TiBB Secret Santa 2024 (Secret Santa presents POSTED) Cranbenny Jamin
Ben...a ques... |
14-12-2024 |
02:12 PM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post Tibb Advent Calendar 2024 edition. ...lmDTlM
Hallelujah! Benjamin came back to us last... |
13-12-2024 |
05:53 PM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post TiBB Music Festival: Helsinki 15 // And the winner is... (pg. 4) The results video has been ex... |
06-12-2024 |
07:32 PM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post It's time to revive Tibb does the Apprentice! ?? Right about now (funk soul br... |
08:01 AM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post Jake! What have you done to us...lolz ...the new releases in Benjamin's thread, I think to... |
05-12-2024 |
06:25 PM - Kate! mentioned Benjamin in post Strictly Tibb Dancing: Celebrity Edition(Christmas Special) It's Michelle Keegan Cranben... |
27-11-2024 |
08:46 PM - Livia mentioned Benjamin in post Strictly Tibb Dancing: Celebrity Edition(Christmas Special) ...no rush.
Looks a Benjamin |
12-03-2025 |
06:17 PM - jones89 quoted Benjamin in post Eurovision 2025 Thread [Semi-Final drawn] Cyprus entry out. Just France... |
01:24 PM - Ithinkiloveyoutoo quoted Benjamin in post Song facts And that Nothing Compares 2 U... |