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Jase. 29-01-2018 10:32 PM

More beautiful posts from our Dezzy I see!

MB. 29-01-2018 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Vicky. (Post 9834344)
Yup, pretty much this. People have different views to me, shock horror. How awful.

Except that that particular excuse is seemingly being used for everything Ann has ever said or thought, no matter how repugnant (again, hi Section 28! Hi conversion therapy!) to the extent that it's lost all meaning

Of course she's entitled to her opinions, but that doesn't mean her opinions can't be challenged or called out for being gross, outdated or yes, in some cases, homophobic

Cherie 29-01-2018 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Alf (Post 9834385)
Ann for Love Island!


Daniel-X 29-01-2018 10:39 PM

I’m not even watching the series but the ‘entitled to her own opinion!’ argument and ‘she’s friends with Amanda Barrie!’ argument are boring me to tears. Hitler entitled to wanting an Aryan Race then? And because he was friends with one Jew all the claims are false? You can’t apply and remove the situation/person when the line of argument doesn’t suit you.

poppsywoppsy 29-01-2018 10:40 PM

What is it about Anne and Shane J getting along together tonight that has upset you all.

Shane J has come to terms with her.

empire 29-01-2018 10:47 PM

I agree with ann, it should be brought back, too many killers out there get a cushy lifestyle in prison, and its at are expense, its a slap in the face to the victims and there families, and its much cheaper to put a rope around there necks than to keep them alive because you get an over flow in prison if you give murders a life sentence, and you can't rehabilitate a cold blooded killer,

Tom4784 29-01-2018 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by empire (Post 9834512)
I agree with ann, it should be brought back, too many killers out there get a cushy lifestyle in prison, and its at are expense, its a slap in the face to the victims and there families, and its much cheaper to put a rope around there necks than to keep them alive because you get an over flow in prison if you give murders a life sentence, and you can't rehabilitate a cold blooded killer,

Wrong, it's certainly not the case in America in states that have not caught up to the times and if the Death Penalty were to be brought back it would most likely be modelled on those US systems.

The only benefit of bringing back the death penality is to allow people to engage in all their deep seated malice without hurting anyone.

Paula D 29-01-2018 10:51 PM

I was wondering how long before we were Godwinned, surprised it wasn't sooner.

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

joeysteele 29-01-2018 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by poppsywoppsy (Post 9834389)
I have noticed a big surge in the Ann hate posts tonight.

What has Shane J started. It is a witch hunt and is a damning indictment of his tactics. He could have won it fair and square but has gone about it by means which do him no credit.

It is only a game show but he has gone out to discredit Ann over historical political issues. He has shown himself to be less than honest himself.

I don't see that at all either,sorry.

It's always interesting to read other members takes on housemates.

However when celebs go in the house they have something usually people know them for.

Now Ann was a politician,until only a few years back.
With the influence and votes she got from being elected, how she used that influence and power,is strong stuff,not only to know her for but to gain an opinion on her too.

All she stood for then as now is Ann Widdecombe,it is her nature,her whole make up of what she believes and states as right and acceptable.

Vicky. 29-01-2018 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by MB. (Post 9834424)
Except that that particular excuse is seemingly being used for everything Ann has ever said or thought, no matter how repugnant (again, hi Section 28! Hi conversion therapy!) to the extent that it's lost all meaning

Of course she's entitled to her opinions, but that doesn't mean her opinions can't be challenged or called out for being gross, outdated or yes, in some cases, homophobic

Of course.

IMO its getting a bit daft both ways here. Some of the fans are going OTT, and some of the 'non-fans' are going OTT. Its getting to ridiculous levels of hysterical now mind. Mind, this is usual for the last week I guess.

poppsywoppsy 29-01-2018 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by joeysteele (Post 9834543)
I don't see that at all either,sorry.

It's always interesting to read other members takes on housemates.

However when celebs go in the house they have something usually people know them for.

Now Ann was a politician,until only a few years back.
With the influence and votes she got from being elected, how she used that influence and power,is strong stuff,not only to know her for but to gain an opinion on her too.

All she stood for then as now is Ann Widdecombe,it is her nature,her whole make up of what she believes and states as right and acceptable.

Well her and Shane J have sorted out their differences and have splashed around together happily.

So it's water under the bridge now, isn't it.?

Vicky. 29-01-2018 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by empire (Post 9834512)
I agree with ann, it should be brought back, too many killers out there get a cushy lifestyle in prison, and its at are expense, its a slap in the face to the victims and there families, and its much cheaper to put a rope around there necks than to keep them alive because you get an over flow in prison if you give murders a life sentence, and you can't rehabilitate a cold blooded killer,

This much is true. I reckon prison should really be total bare minimum stuff rather than what it is today.

Originally Posted by Dezzy (Post 9834535)
Wrong, it's certainly not the case in America in states that have not caught up to the times and if the Death Penalty were to be brought back it would most likely be modelled on those US systems.

The only benefit of bringing back the death penality is to allow people to engage in all their deep seated malice without hurting anyone.

But also, this is true.

Its a myth that its cheaper to kill people than it is to imprison them. As far as I am aware, but its not something I have ever looked into in too much detail.

There is also the added issue of...what if they are innocent. With prison, they can be released if this turns out to be the case. We have no way of raising the dead.

Though I have to admit that when certain crimes hit the press (usually paedophilia and child abuse/murder cases) I do have moments of wanting vengeance rather than punishment.

I think death is the easy way out for many though too. I know if I was ever convicted of life (actually meaning life...not the paltry out in 7 years rubbish) in prison for something, I would rather be killed.

Kazanne 29-01-2018 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Dezzy (Post 9834535)
Wrong, it's certainly not the case in America in states that have not caught up to the times and if the Death Penalty were to be brought back it would most likely be modelled on those US systems.

The only benefit of bringing back the death penality is to allow people to engage in all their deep seated malice without hurting anyone.

You've probably never had anyone close to you murdered.

jaxie 29-01-2018 11:12 PM

Yes she did say that in some cases. Specifically after the murder of two 10 year old girls in Soham. And in fact as a deterrant since the number of murders doubled within 5 years of abolishing the death penalty.

Personally I'm inclined to agree in cases of child murder.

But inevitably it is a bit more complicated than that because there are people who might be innocent.

joeysteele 29-01-2018 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by poppsywoppsy (Post 9834556)
Well her and Shane J have sorted out their differences and have splashed around together happily.

So it's water under the bridge now, isn't it.?

It was a good highlights tonight and I agree,the last week needs more harmony and fun.

It was nice to see from both Ann and Amanda welcoming Shane talking to them.

My only criticism of Shane J, would be he should have gone to Ann direct,not bothered with the others.

Definitely it would be nice to think it is water under the bridge now, as you say.

Binbin 29-01-2018 11:21 PM

What are you so scared of the death penalty for? :pipe2:

Tom4784 29-01-2018 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Binbin (Post 9834701)
What are you so scared of the death penalty for? :pipe2:

It's about being better than those we judge, killing people who have wronged us is easy, having the moral fibre to do what's right is harder.

Binbin 29-01-2018 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Dezzy (Post 9834721)
It's about being better than those we judge, killing people who have wronged us is easy, having the moral fibre to do what's right is harder.

In that case, Ann's Diary Room ramblings about the human right to hold different perspectives on any issue, while also having the capacity to be kind to those people should appeal to you.

Yaki da 29-01-2018 11:30 PM

So do the majority of the people in the country. I agree with them.

Tom4784 29-01-2018 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Binbin (Post 9834752)
In that case, Ann's Diary Room ramblings about the human right to hold different perspectives on any issue, while also having the capacity to be kind to those people should appeal to you.

I've been preaching freedom of speech means to both be able to speak your opinion and have others have their own views on that opinion, you are preaching to the choir in that regard.

I disagree on the 'kind' aspect though, people are entitled to their views and I respect that right but that doesn't mean we have to respect the views in question. It's just another way of trying to kill people's right to respond, just this time in the guise of 'kindness'.

AnnieK 29-01-2018 11:45 PM

This arguement has been done to death(pardon the pun). I don't believe the death penalty should be brought back, state sponsored murder should never be allowed. I believe life should mean life, and prison should not be a cushy alternative to career criminals. After the last discussion on this when it was said that life in prison isn't as easy as its people say it is, there was a prisoner released from a local prison near me, who within 2 hours of being released had re-offended by stealing a car and assaulting the owner to get back in...

The death penalty is not the answer, harsher sentences whilst maintaining human rights are

joeysteele 29-01-2018 11:47 PM

I admit I have flowed back and forth on the issue.

However I now think no way should it be brought back.
I actually agree with all Dezzy has said really.
Wise words and the strongest argument came from him,in my view.

Marsh. 29-01-2018 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Paula D (Post 9834212)
The panic is setting in now as people see Ann racing for the winning line.

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She's stopped for a week, she's out of breath.

Robertocarlo 29-01-2018 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sullen Girl (Post 9833958)
yikes! garbage! get ha out

I said she wasn't a benign old lady!

poppsywoppsy 30-01-2018 12:08 AM

I can remember being awfully scared as a child when a hanging was reported.

Where I have no problem in wishing that the Yorkshire Ripper, Hindley and Brady, Dale Cregan, the Soham Killer, the Crosbow killer, the Ipswich strangler and Joanna Denehay meet their maker asap, I then shudder at the act.

I watch a lot of American true crime stories which do have the death penalty and it does have executions but it does leave me cold.

So although these killers deserve no mercy, I can't see myself agreeing to it.

It is a fine line and I think anyone who can order executions is a far stronger minded person than me, but I wouldn't blame them for their choice either.

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