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Josy 18-01-2013 10:14 PM

TiBB Poll - Who is your favourite and least favourite housemates? [Gillian Evicted]

Jamie585 18-01-2013 10:17 PM

Fave: Rylan
Least: Ryan

reece(: 18-01-2013 10:23 PM

Favourite Speidi
Least Ryan and Trisha

Scotty07 18-01-2013 11:23 PM

Favourite: Spencer & Heidi

Most Dislike: Tricia/Razor

Maia 19-01-2013 12:37 AM

Favourite: Ryan
Least: Tricia

Gillian-73 19-01-2013 10:10 AM

Favourite... Heidi/Spencer
Least Favourite... Claire

Me. I Am Salman 19-01-2013 10:52 AM

Speidi / Ryan + Rylan

Calliekins 20-01-2013 09:54 PM

Right now fave is Razor
Always least favourite Speidi - I'm sorry but he talks so much trash that nothing makes sense now. I no longer believe he has a brain.

Marcus. 20-01-2013 09:57 PM

Favourite claire
Least Speidi

Monkey Slut 21-01-2013 05:04 PM

Favourite: Speidi

Least favourite: Tricia

Me. I Am Salman 21-01-2013 05:36 PM

Rylan new least fav

Spring 21-01-2013 10:18 PM

Speidi Fav/ Least fav Rylan and Tricia

BB82* 22-01-2013 09:03 AM

Rylan is a bully!!!
Speidi rule!!

How are the house being allowed to bully Speidi? I think it was out of order for BB to make Speidi do Big blogger task as housemates already hated them. It further singled them out. Producers out of line on this one! I think the house seem to be forgetting that the reason Speidi hate them is that for 2 days they watched whole house slate them! Then Rylan managed to twist it that they were in the wrong, he is the bully! Plus him leaving the house to rehearse for X factor is a joke! Don't tell me he doesn't read the papers or have friends tell him what the outside perception is - its cheating plain and simple! Chuck Rylan out for cheating and bullying behaviour!
I used to like Rylan but he has shown himself to be a bully, you'd think after how hated he was on X factor he'd have empathy but no, him and Clare are the horrible girls in school that are mean and only popular cos people really hate them and scared of being picked on. Its 7 against 2 and totally unfair!

Speidi to win!

Lex 22-01-2013 11:53 PM

Fave Frankie! ...Least Fave Rylan!

chip 23-01-2013 12:31 PM

Fav Frankie
least to be speidi, can't stand them.

Vanessa 23-01-2013 12:35 PM

Love : Speidi :dance:
Hate : Rylan :nono:

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