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Crimson Dynamo 13-07-2014 05:11 PM

Pope Francis has revealed that one in every fifty Catholic priests is a paedophile
So your kid has a one in 50 chance of being taught and stalked by a paedophile if you go to church. Lets all rush to Sunday School..

Pope Francis quoted as saying figure included bishops and cardinals
Pope Francis has revealed that one in every fifty Catholic priests is a paedophile, it has been reported.

The pontiff was quoted as saying that advisors had told him that reliable figures show that ‘paedophilia inside the church is at the level of two per cent.’

The Pope reportedly told Italian newspaper la Repubblica that abuse of children was like 'leprosy' infecting the Church.

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Ramsay 13-07-2014 05:19 PM

Oh its only 2%? that's alright then

Crimson Dynamo 13-07-2014 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsay (Post 7046906)
Oh its only 2%? that's alright then

Its not allright they have access to children alone at many times and pretend to them that they can speak to gods etc.

Ramsay 13-07-2014 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by LeatherTrumpet (Post 7046913)
Its not allright they have access to children alone at many times and pretend to them that they can speak to gods etc.

I was being sarcastic

Crimson Dynamo 13-07-2014 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsay (Post 7046928)
I was being sarcastic

oh :joker:

the truth 13-07-2014 06:59 PM

crikey i didnt think the numbers were that high...shocking
thats not to say paedophilia isnt a major problem across society , but to think its 2% in the catholic Church is unbelievable, not sure the Pope has got his maths right , hope not

Saph 13-07-2014 07:00 PM

pope francis spilling

reece(: 13-07-2014 07:02 PM

Pope Eff needs to name and shame

Jordan. 13-07-2014 07:04 PM

spread that goss Franny

Crimson Dynamo 13-07-2014 07:16 PM

And that will be the most conservative estimate. Numbers will be far higher one expects

MTVN 13-07-2014 10:35 PM

Francis showing a lot of potential to be a great Pope, Benedict sort of put his toe into the water in trying to tackle abuse but old Francis seems keen to not leave any stone unturned

hijaxers 13-07-2014 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by LeatherTrumpet (Post 7046880)
So your kid has a one in 50 chance of being taught and stalked by a paedophile if you go to church. Lets all rush to Sunday School..

Pope Francis quoted as saying figure included bishops and cardinals
Pope Francis has revealed that one in every fifty Catholic priests is a paedophile, it has been reported.

The pontiff was quoted as saying that advisors had told him that reliable figures show that ‘paedophilia inside the church is at the level of two per cent.’

The Pope reportedly told Italian newspaper la Repubblica that abuse of children was like 'leprosy' infecting the Church.

Read more:

Might help if he threw out all the ones hiding in Vatican city - well it would be a start

Marsh. 13-07-2014 10:48 PM

Why am I not surprised by the comments on the Daily Mail site? :rolleyes:

Kizzy 13-07-2014 10:54 PM

This one seems pretty spot on...

'Politics and religion is riddled with paedophilia, the ruling classes seem obsessed by it!'

Marsh. 13-07-2014 10:55 PM

It's women and their evil vaginas giving birth to monsters. :fist:

Ammi 14-07-2014 07:42 AM

..oh this is a good and positive thing then...Pope F has identified the percentage and is in the process of trying to have paedophilia eradicated from the's obviously a priority with him and is working against it so hopefully that 98% of good priests will become 100% in the which is what it should be...although 100% would be quite improbable I guess as there will always be paedophiles in every walk of life but he's obviously giving it a priority...don't besmirch the church, DM....

Livia 14-07-2014 06:27 PM

It's good to see the Pope addressing this and not sweeping it under the carpet like his predecessors. Admitting the problem is the first step.

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