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Jason. 05-10-2015 01:21 PM

Daniel_ has told me to make this thread for him as he is having laptop problems.

Just rank the CBBUK series (CBB1-CBB16) allocating 16 points to your least favourite series and 1 point to your favourite series.

Voting closes in one week (12th October). Daniel and I will be counting the votes.

Get ranking! :)

Jason. 05-10-2015 01:26 PM

1. CBB3
2. CBB13
3. CBB4
4. CBB15
5. CBB16
6. CBB9

7. CBB10
8. CBB12

9. CBB7
10. CBB5
11. CBB14

12. CBB6
13. CBB11
14. CBB8

Haven't seen CBB1 and 2.

Daniel. 05-10-2015 01:26 PM


My vote (favourite to least favourite)

1. CBB16
2. CBB15
3. CBB9
4. CBB4
5. CBB13
6. CBB3
7. CBB10
8. CBB14
9. CBB12
10. CBB5
11. CBB7
12. CBB6
13. CBB8
14. CBB1
15. CBB2
16. CBB11

Daniel. 05-10-2015 01:28 PM


Daniel. 05-10-2015 01:29 PM

I decided 15 > 9 in the end

Jason. 05-10-2015 01:29 PM

Should've made this on the CBB16 thread come to think of it, but nm.

Daniel. 05-10-2015 01:29 PM

You prefer CBB13 to CBB4?

Jason. 05-10-2015 01:30 PM

Yeah, CBB4 used to be my favourite. But I didn't enjoy it as much on re-watch. Too much nastiness and bullying behind it all. It's still really good though and a well-produced series.

Daniel. 05-10-2015 01:45 PM

Yeah, I think the two CBB's this year were golden and better than CBB4. I feel like CBB13-CBB6 might have been C5's answer to the golden era (celeb only)

Daniel. 05-10-2015 01:45 PM

Yeah, I think the two CBB's this year were golden and better than CBB4. I feel like CBB13-CBB6 might have been C5's answer to the golden era (celeb only).

Daniel-X 05-10-2015 02:24 PM

1. Cbb3
2. Cbb15
3. Cbb13
4. Cbb4
5. Cbb9
6. Cbb16
7. Cbb10
8. Cbb14
9. Cbb6
10. Cbb8
11. Cbb1
12. Cbb7
13. Cbb12
14. Cbb5
15. Cbb11

EspeonBB 05-10-2015 02:30 PM

1. CBB9
2. CBB16
3. CBB4
4. CBB13
5. CBB3
6. CBB12
7. CBB14
8. CBB15
9. CBB6
10. CBB5
11. CBB11

I haven't seen CBB1, CBB2, CBB7, CBB8 or CBB10

Lostie! 05-10-2015 02:34 PM

I can only do CBB5 onwards:

1. CBB16
2. CBB15
3. CBB9
4. CBB14
5. CBB13
6. CBB12
7. CBB10
8. CBB7
9. CBB5
10. CBB11
11. CBB6
12. CBB8

Jordan. 05-10-2015 04:42 PM

Haven't seen the first 2

1. CBB16
2. CBB13
3. CBB4
4. CBB3
5. CBB9
6. CBB10
7. CBB12
8. CBB11
9. CBB7
10. CBB15
11. CBB14
12. CBB8
13. CBB5
14. CBB6

Cal. 05-10-2015 07:57 PM

1. CBB16
2. CBB15
3. CBB9
4. CBB4
5. CBB13
6. CBB3
7. CBB10
8. CBB14
9. CBB12
10. CBB5
11. CBB7
12. CBB6
13. CBB8
14. CBB1
15. CBB2
16. CBB11

haven't seen most but lol!

Ashley. 05-10-2015 08:11 PM

  1. cbb8
  2. cbb9
  3. cbb4
  4. cbb5
  5. cbb6
  6. cbb7
  7. cbb3
  8. cbb1
  9. cbb15
  10. cbb16
  11. cbb13
  12. cbb11
  13. cbb10
  14. cbb14
  15. cbb12
  16. cbb2

*mazedsalv** 06-10-2015 03:41 PM

1. CBB4
2. CBB13
3. CBB9
4. CBB3
5. CBB10
6. CBB16
7. CBB15
8. CBB12
9. CBB14
10. CBB7
11. CBB5
12. CBB1
13. CBB6
14. CBB8
15. CBB11
16. CBB2

I had CBB15 one ahead of CBB16 last week, but CBB16 has now overtaken CBB15 due to having a much better 2nd half of the series compared to CBB15s second half. The last week of CBB16 for me genuinely was one of the best last weeks of any CBB. Most CBBs went very dull in the last week.

Pete. 06-10-2015 04:17 PM

1. CBB4
2. CBB16
3. CBB13
4. CBB3
5. CBB15
6. CBB9
7. CBB12
8. CBB5
9. (Justice 4) CBB6
10. CBB10
11. CBB1
12. CBB11
13. CBB8
14. CBB7
15. CBB14
16. CBB2


Daniel. 06-10-2015 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pete. (Post 8205249)

Promo ha

Jason. 06-10-2015 04:28 PM

CBB6 was awful iirc. Like a Channel 4 low at the time. It was dull, though I don't remember much about it at all.

Pete. 06-10-2015 04:35 PM

I enjoyed it mainly for the tasks which were really good imo, Tina and Lucy hating Coolio and Ulrika and Terry's random rivalry

Dominic 06-10-2015 06:11 PM

I only watched 8 series out of 16 lmao should I still post it

Daniel. 06-10-2015 06:13 PM


Dominic 06-10-2015 06:22 PM

oh I watched 9 apparently.

1. CBB4
2. CBB3
3. CBB16
4. CBB9
5. CBB15
6. CBB6
7. CBB12
8. CBB14
9. CBB11
10. CBB5

Dominic 06-10-2015 06:24 PM

oh and also Jaustin

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