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Fetch The Bolt Cutters 29-01-2018 09:27 PM

ann wanted to bring the death penalty back
yikes! garbage! get ha out

Jase. 29-01-2018 09:28 PM

God she's revolting :joker:

MB. 29-01-2018 09:30 PM

This thread is going to be full of people who have suddenly supported reintroducing the death penalty all their lives, I can tell

Wizard. 29-01-2018 09:30 PM

I agree

MB. 29-01-2018 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by MB. (Post 9833973)
This thread is going to be full of people who have suddenly supported reintroducing the death penalty all their lives, I can tell

(and if not, "who cares, she's entitled to her opinion, it doesn't harm anyone except the people it would kill, at least she talks about things other than being gay", etc)

Alf 29-01-2018 09:32 PM

It would save us a few bob.

smudgie 29-01-2018 09:34 PM

An eye for an eye then.

Jodie. 29-01-2018 09:35 PM

I want it back

Jase. 29-01-2018 09:36 PM

Ann could want gays stoned being legal and you'd have her TiBB fans all of a sudden agreeing with her.

MB. 29-01-2018 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Ja$e (Post 9834006)
Ann could want gays stoned being legal and you'd have her TiBB fans all of a sudden agreeing with her.

"Ann is in the kitchen, telling Shane L about how Katy Perry's Witness is a seminal piece of art"

"Ann telling it like it is as usual! :hehe: :cheer2: :dance:"

Jase. 29-01-2018 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by MB. (Post 9834024)
"Ann is in the kitchen, telling Shane L about how Katy Perry's Witness is a seminal piece of art"

"Ann telling it like it is as usual! :hehe: :cheer2: :dance:"


MB. 29-01-2018 09:41 PM

Actually, never mind, she'd probably object to saying anything with "semen" in it

clairefromsomewhereinnort 29-01-2018 09:43 PM

Yeah she doesn t care about all the corrupt judges and police officers or the miscarriages of justice.Same as she didn't care about the girls abused in Rotherham, about the children abused by Tories and the Establishment or about genuinely disabled people being pushed to early deaths by the current Tories.

Fetch The Bolt Cutters 29-01-2018 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by MB. (Post 9834024)
"Ann is in the kitchen, telling Shane L about how Katy Perry's Witness is a seminal piece of art"

"Ann telling it like it is as usual! :hehe: :cheer2: :dance:"


joeysteele 29-01-2018 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ja$e (Post 9834006)
Ann could want gays stoned being legal and you'd have her TiBB fans all of a sudden agreeing with her.

She wanted blasphemy laws brought back too.

Tom4784 29-01-2018 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by joeysteele (Post 9834125)
She wanted blasphemy laws brought back too.

Yaas Ann, Smite the heathens! :clap1:

Paula D 29-01-2018 10:08 PM

The panic is setting in now as people see Ann racing for the winning line.

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

abcd 29-01-2018 10:18 PM

The death penalty should be brought back!

Kazanne 29-01-2018 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Paula D (Post 9834212)
The panic is setting in now as people see Ann racing for the winning line.

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

Isn't it just :joker::joker:

joeysteele 29-01-2018 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Paula D (Post 9834212)
The panic is setting in now as people see Ann racing for the winning line.

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

I actually don't see that at all.
I think it may slip away from her now.

I support Shane J,I'm not panicking at all,if he makes the final or doesn't that's BB.
I'd love him to win but the celebs get their fee whether out the first week or if they are the winner.

It doesn't affect them or any of us.

I have voted heavily for Ann in the previous evictions,this one to get to the final I will put all my votes Shane Js way.

I would guess others may well be concentrating their votes on one housemate now too,rather than splitting them.

That may work in Ann's favour or not.
It worked for Shane J in last week's triple eviction for sure.

Vicky. 29-01-2018 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by MB. (Post 9833986)
...who cares, she's entitled to her opinion,...

Yup, pretty much this. People have different views to me, shock horror. How awful.

Alf 29-01-2018 10:27 PM

Ann for Love Island!

poppsywoppsy 29-01-2018 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by joeysteele (Post 9834325)
I actually don't see that at all.
I think it may slip away from her now.

I support Shane J,I'm not panicking at all,if he makes the final or doesn't that's BB.
I'd love him to win but the celebs get their fee whether out the first week or if they are the winner.

It doesn't affect them or any of us.

I have voted heavily for Ann in the previous evictions,this one to get to the final I will put all my votes Shane Js way.

I would guess others may well be concentrating their votes on one housemate now too,rather than splitting them.

That may work in Ann's favour or not.
It worked for Shane J in last week's triple eviction for sure.

I have noticed a big surge in the Ann hate posts tonight.

What has Shane J started. It is a witch hunt and is a damning indictment of his tactics. He could have won it fair and square but has gone about it by means which do him no credit.

It is only a game show but he has gone out to discredit Ann over historical political issues. He has shown himself to be less than honest himself.

Kazanne 29-01-2018 10:29 PM

There are certain crimes it should be brought back for.

Tom4784 29-01-2018 10:31 PM

It's stupid really and something that is motivated by pure malice rather than justice or even financial sense.

If we look at how the Death Penalty works in the US, it's actually cheaper to keep someone alive for the average lifespan in prison then it is to kill them due to all the processes and appeals involved.

Ethically, it's just state sponsored murder, a chance for people to let out the vileness within them in a 'safe' way. Bringing back the death penalty would a step back.

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