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Crimson Dynamo 03-05-2019 09:12 AM

The Persecution of Christians is modern-day 'genocide'
  • 'Political correctness' to blame for failure to confront oppression of Christians
  • Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said that Christians were sometimes neglected
  • New report reveals Christians are enduring genocide in some parts of the world
A new report has laid bare the persecution of Christians around the world. 245million Christians are persecuted worldwide in 50 countries,
a rise of 30million rise year on year

Christians are 'by far the most persecuted' religious group and are enduring what amounts to genocide
in some parts of the world, a report concluded.

They are being driven out of the Middle East in a modern-day exodus that means the religion could be wiped out in parts 'where its roots
go back furthest', the study commissioned by the Foreign Office found.

And the report by the Bishop of Truro, the Right Rev Philip Mounstephen, found 'shocking' evidence that the persecution is worse today than ever.

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt last night blamed 'political correctness' for a failure to confront the oppression of Christians,
which he called the 'forgotten persecution'.

The bishop said the study found Christians are 'harassed' in more countries than any other religious group, and especially in predominantly Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa. His report found 245million Christians now suffer 'high levels of persecution' in 50 countries, a rise of 30million year on year.

Livia 03-05-2019 09:13 AM

Because Christians turn the other cheek. They're seen as a soft touch... it's shameful. No one should be oppressed for their beliefs, or lack of them.

Cherie 03-05-2019 10:48 AM

No one cares about Christians these days, and someone will trot out...but but they did it in the past as an excuse as to why it is happening in 2019

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