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Forum: CBB18 16-02-2019, 09:19 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 8,013
Posted By empire
fish lips, cheek implants, hair extensions,...

fish lips, cheek implants, hair extensions, botox, false lashes, face caked in make up, she look's like a drag queen, but she's not the only one, have you seen some of them girls on ex on the beach,...
Forum: Serious Debates & News 14-02-2019, 07:47 PM
Replies: 520
Views: 15,927
Posted By empire
the other school girl that was killed in a...

the other school girl that was killed in a russian airstrike in raqqa, I wish the other two where standing there with her so I would award the pilot for doing it, they bring these people back and...
Forum: Serious Debates & News 13-01-2019, 11:55 PM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,008
Posted By empire
I have never understood a woman's obsession with...

I have never understood a woman's obsession with perfection, like i'm a guy with very.very long jet black eyelashes that partly curl upwards, it's not my fault that i'm born with them, but i have had...
Forum: Serious Debates & News 09-01-2019, 11:43 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 706
Posted By empire
Rich men should never marry because that's where...

Rich men should never marry because that's where they end up with nothing.
Forum: Serious Debates & News 06-01-2019, 01:44 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 1,008
Posted By empire
can someone tell price that you can't beat the...

can someone tell price that you can't beat the aging process, can some women just accept it.
Forum: Serious Debates & News 06-01-2019, 12:51 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 408
Posted By empire
I don't find iranian women attractive, but it's...

I don't find iranian women attractive, but it's great that they are driving trucks now.
Forum: I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 06-01-2019, 12:35 AM
Replies: 16
Views: 1,786
Posted By empire
he never won the premier league but he won the...

he never won the premier league but he won the jungle league.
Forum: Football 22-08-2018, 09:24 PM
Replies: 320
Views: 20,607
Posted By empire
what jose needs is a coach who can drill into...

what jose needs is a coach who can drill into them players the utd way, he should pick roy keane for that job, let's be honest, utd need him to give them players the hair dryer treatment, because...
Forum: CBB21 27-02-2018, 01:10 AM
Replies: 38
Views: 16,669
Posted By empire
the thing is that shane has not got past that...

the thing is that shane has not got past that phase where he thinks you can turn a straight guy gay, and he has made out that being gay or straight is a lifestyle choice, no its not, that's the way...
Forum: CBB21 27-02-2018, 12:18 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 9,491
Posted By empire
looks like maggie is after a toyboy these days.

looks like maggie is after a toyboy these days.
Forum: CBB21 24-02-2018, 09:14 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 15,117
Posted By empire
In my book, a man that wears a dress is no longer...

In my book, a man that wears a dress is no longer a real man in my book, I worry that this will be a trend in a few years time, but the only good thing about this is that andrew will be the first...
Forum: CBB21 13-02-2018, 06:36 AM
Replies: 16
Views: 4,630
Posted By empire
the thing is oliver w, the feminization of boys...

the thing is oliver w, the feminization of boys and men these days is pretty well there, if you see tv shows like towie, made in chelsea, the guys dress, talk, and act the way girls want them to be,...
Forum: CBB21 10-02-2018, 12:56 AM
Replies: 16
Views: 4,630
Posted By empire
I don't get this but can anyone here make me...

I don't get this but can anyone here make me understand this, what is so special about a bloke dressing up like a woman, I get the drag act when its on the stage, but shane's courtney act is worlds...
Forum: CBB21 04-02-2018, 04:49 AM
Replies: 84
Views: 5,660
Posted By empire
most young females these days are copying the...

most young females these days are copying the drag queen thing, fish lips, cheek implants, false eyelashes, ridiculous amount of hair extensions, and for some reason girls dress just like drag queens...
Forum: CBB21 02-02-2018, 07:09 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 436
Posted By empire
next celeb line up

for the next season line up, I show you my wish list

males females

1 david starkey 7 lady c campbell
2 eddie izzard ...
Forum: CBB21 31-01-2018, 12:31 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 745
Posted By empire
Gary busey,james cosmo,micheal madsan,

Gary busey,james cosmo,micheal madsan,
Forum: CBB21 31-01-2018, 12:29 AM
Replies: 121
Views: 3,737
Posted By empire
shane wants to have all his cake and eat, but we...

shane wants to have all his cake and eat, but we all can't have everything in are own life, because thats the way life is, he has been in courtney act more now in the last few days than ever before,...
Forum: CBB21 30-01-2018, 10:02 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 3,285
Posted By empire
glad malika went, all she did was throw a diva...

glad malika went, all she did was throw a diva fit every week with her I want to leave, I want to leave, it did my head in, I have nothing against the girl but she need's someone to give her a good...
Forum: CBB21 30-01-2018, 09:16 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 612
Posted By empire
the problem is that this years house is too girly...

the problem is that this years house is too girly and feminine for me, and we need to bring back some masculine coordination into the house for a sense of balance, remember what dirk benedict said in...
Forum: CBB21 30-01-2018, 07:40 PM
Replies: 86
Views: 3,735
Posted By empire
I doubt that ann has a fear of gay people, but...

I doubt that ann has a fear of gay people, but what they do is just not her seen, she was brought up in a set of different values, and she has not once made shane feel uncomfortable about himself,...
Forum: CBB21 30-01-2018, 02:43 AM
Replies: 55
Views: 3,067
Posted By empire
shane keeps talking about gay right's, women's...

shane keeps talking about gay right's, women's rights, and it is boring me, did he go into that house for fun or too enforce his way of things onto people, past gay housemates have never once talked...
Forum: CBB21 29-01-2018, 10:47 PM
Replies: 68
Views: 2,374
Posted By empire
I agree with ann, it should be brought back, too...

I agree with ann, it should be brought back, too many killers out there get a cushy lifestyle in prison, and its at are expense, its a slap in the face to the victims and there families, and its much...
Forum: CBB21 29-01-2018, 08:43 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 1,329
Posted By empire
I think your right poppsywoppsy, he might have a...

I think your right poppsywoppsy, he might have a split personality, that maybe the reason why so many guys broke up with him because they just couldn't hack it, when he was in his courtney act he was...
Forum: CBB21 29-01-2018, 06:26 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 1,329
Posted By empire
but shane still has his meat an two veg, and I...

but shane still has his meat an two veg, and I see courtney as a he not a she, because he still has his bits that means he is still a man in a dress, and the whole drag act belongs on the stage, not...
Forum: CBB21 29-01-2018, 05:08 AM
Replies: 35
Views: 1,610
Posted By empire
wayne hit the mark on it being a soapbox, and...

wayne hit the mark on it being a soapbox, and shane has done nothing but bring identity politics into the house and its boring me, ann has done nothing to him, she has never once been nasty or...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 494

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