Originally Posted by Liam-
Helen Whately doesn’t know her arse from her elbow
it's the advice from the CMO, we follow the science or no?
I don't get the issue, anyone can ask for a test at any time, and if they are routinely being tested fortnightly or more frequently if there is a a flare up it seems reasonable? no?
Anyone visiting a hospital and all staff have to wear masks and those in high risk areas will have PPE
By all accounts it is not the most pleasant of tests so it seems a bit of disingenous motion that was brought to generate the headline TORYs vote against the NHS, that is the way I see it at any rate

'put a bit of lippy on and run a brush through your hair, we are alcoholics, not savages'
Originally Posted by Beso
Livelier than Izaaz, and hes got 2 feet.