1 If you were a farm animal, which would you be and why...?...
A rooster cos I'd get to annoy everyone by waking them up
2 What do you most like about yourself...?....
Clever and handsome, just a great package really
3 What do you least like about yourself...?...
Sometimes I get too involved in utter nonsense that I should just drop
4 What makes you laugh out loud..?...
loads of stuff
5 Your dream job..?...
Hmmm, probably a tech/games journalist or summat
6 Summer or Winter..?...
Summer... I think?
7 Your favourite room in your home..?...
the bedroom
8 mountains or beaches..?...
Big open clean sandy beaches > mountains > other beaches
9 Books or movies..?...
Gamer 4 lyf
10 Which musical instrument would you like to be able to play..?...
Guitar. I have one. Every six months or so I learn 3 or 4 chords, then forget them again.
11 Could it be magic..?...
No its schizophrenia and/or con artists duh