Remembering Kerry
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: with Mystic Mock
Posts: 43,343
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BB2023: Jordan Strictly 2020: HRVY
Remembering Kerry
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: with Mystic Mock
Posts: 43,343
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BB2023: Jordan Strictly 2020: HRVY
Well speaking for myself.
I never take any real notice of paper publications.
I only ever see the front pages of papers on here when anyone posts them.
I neither read or buy the gutter trash they just about all are.
Wouldn't soil my hands picking up my pet Staffie's mess up with them even.
So I have nothing to do with the publications, so rarely comment on them because I've not a scrap of interest in the gutter trash publications.
However, since they've been posted on here, that front page on the rag shown, is disgraceful and pathetic too.
The real sad thing is, people spend hundreds of pounds a year on their trash.
Last edited by joeysteele; 16-02-2021 at 08:18 PM.