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Old 11-06-2021, 06:11 PM #5
Captain.Remy Captain.Remy is offline
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Captain.Remy Captain.Remy is offline
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Originally Posted by Niamh. View Post
Brian Dowling
I agree. I think Brian winning such a popular TV show really changed something for a lot of LGBTQ+ people watching but also the viewers who had hard opinions on these people. He embodies a lot of qualities and values a nice funny person should have.
I watched BB2 a little later and was so captivated by who he was and he confirmed his status again in 2010.
We had a similar candidate in France in early 2000s in the first season of French BB and it was refreshing to see. It triggered a lot of hate because "How horrible of the producers to cast such a campy/feminine acting gay on TV" but also a lot of love because he's also an amazing guy who made "gays" more tolerated and is now having a good career in entertainment over here.

I also agree with Nadia because her story and journey was incredible to witness and the whole acceptance she received was very emotional and again, a stepping stone in tolerance towards LGBTQ+ people. Big Brother had that power and that's super inspiring.

Last edited by Captain.Remy; 11-06-2021 at 06:13 PM.
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