Originally Posted by bitontheslide
f you get certain benefits and the temperature drops to zero degrees celsius or below for 7 days in a row
Okay I looked this up as my aunt is not on benefits but has always got the winter fuel allowance, you are talking about cold weather payments which are an extra payment of 25.00 if the weather falls below 0 degrees for 7 days running.....if you didnt get your winter fuel allowance last year I would be chasing that one up
Just listened to the lady from Age UK there are currently 12 million pensioners, 1.4 of those on pension credit with another 800k who could claim but dont, so that leaves 10 million pensioners who Labour think are too well off to get the payment, 2 million of those earn just a few pounds above the threshold in some cases 6.00.... ...
'put a bit of lippy on and run a brush through your hair, we are alcoholics, not savages'
Originally Posted by Beso
Livelier than Izaaz, and hes got 2 feet.