Originally Posted by Mystic Mock
I can't stand the Mary Whitehouse stuff either GoldHeart, and what scares me about it is everyone knows that we're going through an era of entertainment like this, but some people decide to encourage the Mary Whitehouse stuff instead of fighting it.
And on the BIB, I think that should depend on what the person's career is, which admittedly in Marcello's case I do think that's not necessarily a good role model if he were to decide to do a BB Porno.
which is why it makes no sense , considering the stuff that's happened in BB history... far far more extreme than anything Marcello is doing or saying. Marcello is an angel compared to previous BB housemates.
A teacher lost her job back in old BB c4 days, was she getting out the shower fully stark or something?... and forgot the camera's were there, or didn't care or something?.
I agree it depends on their career, i think anything professional where you have to be really smart and proper. Or anything where you're in a authoritative /mentor role . But then how many housemates have not had serious jobs... but still been perceived really badly due to their raunchy antics in the house. Not to mention the embarrassment etc.
But then the same could be said for over consuming of alcohol or swearing ,or getting into heated arguments on tv ..... interesting those 'bad behaviours ' don't seem to be frowned upon as much in BB, when it comes to The Simpsons (Rev LoveJoy's Wife) quote " oh think of the children" style

LOL. When realistically those things will not make the person look good either if their boss or a young person is watching them
