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Old 12-11-2024, 06:01 PM #127
BBXX BBXX is offline
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Originally Posted by Swan View Post
Remember last week Ali was distancing herself from Nathan, now she's best mates with him. To me, that's completely transparent and phoney as he's survived about as many evictions as her.

How is that ^ "hating on her". Questioning, hers, or any other HM's motivation is literally why this forum exists. I'd happily have a respectful debate about it, but as soon as you try to put your point across and others don't like it, you're a "raging hater". It's boring
Dude, you've called people who like Ali many names, so maybe don't take the high ground on the subject of name calling because frankly you are on the of the worst offenders.

Ali wasn't distancing herself from Nathan at all. What's happened is that Ali's best friend was still in the house, and she'd even bonded really closely with Khaled and he left, and so of course she will gravitate towards others. Ali's lost all those closest to her, do viewers expect her to sit on her own? That isn't phoney, it's just human and they would have all done it.

And this is what I find missing when it comes to judgement of Ali's behaviour: wider context and nuance.

Like yesterday, she got a load of critique about being nice to Segun and then complaining about him. That was totally a normal reaction: she said to him he shouldn't feel bad about getting the 10k because it will change his life, but of course she would still to be annoyed she was put in that position, she's allowed to feel disappointed and irritated while still reassuring someone who was also in a **** position.
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