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Old 22-11-2024, 11:39 PM #126
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Originally Posted by Abra View Post
That's one theory but I'm not sure I agree. There have been many occasions where adverts or films etc with conventionally attractive POC have been called "****" because of their skin colour. In fact it happens a lot. Hence why I call it a dog whistle. Users like Alf know that they can't just come out and say what it is they don't like about what they see on TV, so they go for the option to call it "****" so they can pretend like that's not what they meant. It doesn't work on anyone though.

Plus, if all models that were cast in this advert had been white but ugly as sin, there's no way it would have been called "****", I just don't think that's realistic. We all know what "****" means to these people in 2024, it means diverse.

Appreciate you actually having a conversation in good faith though and not just avoiding the question like the plague.
I think that you make some fair points in your post.

And to answer your question, my definition of **** (which I don't know why the word is being censored lol) falls into three categories for me.

1. Deliberately casting ugly people for roles under the guise of being "more realistic" because yes, Karen Gillan, Gal Gadot, and Margot Robbie aren't real, guys. I believe that they're just AI images imprinted into our minds.

2. Dialogue being incredibly drab, safe, and boring because they're constantly scared of "offending" people.

And 3. When we stop having what I call the BBUK level of diversity, which I think was quite well balanced this series imo.

We instead have to have every identity all in one Show just for the sake of having them in the Show, and that includes the white straight male role too, I just want to see people that fit whatever Show that they're in.

That's the three criterias where I judge something as ****.

Last edited by Mystic Mock; 22-11-2024 at 11:40 PM.
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