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Old 04-05-2008, 03:38 AM #49
BDGA BDGA is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 82

BDGA BDGA is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 82


Rachb popped next door to Absolutely Brian to tell me the very sad news about Wendy(ROB). Like me, many or our members that knew ROB will be saddened to hear she has passed away.

I smile now remembering the early days after BB2 when there were some heated discussion between the Helen, Paul and Brian fans, when many of us didn't see eye to eye, as is the case now with each series.
However as the years have rolled on we have all either mellowed, or realised there was only a small family of BB2 fans still around on the forums, and we bonded together to chat about our favourite year and defend it as a series against subsequent shows. I am sure ROB wherever she may be now will still be telling everyone how brilliant BB2 was, especially her favourites Paul and Helen.

My condolences to all the family, and her close friends on TiBB.

R.I.P. Wendy.
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