Quand il pleut, il pleut
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 72,461
Quand il pleut, il pleut
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 72,461
Originally Posted by Benjamin
Spoiler: …yeah I get that, his gameplay is apparently iconic…(…I should try to watch Survivor…)…it’s more that I don’t think that it was his intention to ‘out and banish’ BtDQ straight away…(…as much as I love Bob, also…  …)….but I saw why Rob saw that as a dangerous remark to make and so felt that they were a possible immediate threat…and because of how popular Bob is, their influence on the group might lead the vote toward the newbies…if I was one of the ladies, I wouldn’t trust him either but I think that I would see him as being someone to keep right now as an asset …as they say, keep your enemies close as it were…unless you’re certain to take them out and I really don’t think now is the time when he has won over some group trust …