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Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 582
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 582
True Lisa connection! and other BB connections - post yours
My lesbian friend - the butchest of the butch - used to work the clubs and bars in Birmingham where Lisa was quite infamous!
On all accounts Lisa is being VERY well behaved in BB, as she was reknown for being violent, psychotic and angry!
All the things we can blantlantly see!
My friend came in to conflict with her regarding a woman of course! Nothing violent, but said Lisa was well known for being a **** stirring bitch. Not well liked on the lesbian scene either but quite feared.
Otherwise, now this is a funny story!
I lost my virginity to Gerry (bb8) at 15 in Colchester (horrid town) while Gerry was at University of Essex.
Oh yes, and over a grave in a medievil graveyard where there used to be the only monthly gay night! Classy!
Went out with him for a few months, but he was cheating on me loads! Two boyfriends and only disclosed months in to play mind games with me as I considered him my first boyfriend put with it. He was really horrid, like would go and buy loads of Gucci clothes cos he lived off his rich grandma - but then would make me buy my own birthday meal for me and him! When I was 15!
He loved mindgames and told all his mates he was 'romancing the shrew' cos I was the common Essex boy!
He was actually really charming on the outside but really horrid. VWE, too big and used to go to loads of orgies. Its BS he was bissexual... he had a lot of guilt from his psychiatrist dad and neurotic greek mother (upper class, he is a royal bloodline).
Also have a link to BB through a friend who is a junior producer and rather stupidly pass my ideas to her to pass on to Phil Edgar Jones, even though I know won't get any pay or aknowledgement!
What are your connections?