Ben's only problem is he talks too much and tries to fill the silences so occasionally will say more than he intended to or should do.

as someone who does the same, and is a weeeeeeee bitty older than him( the age some of you seem to think that we should all be good well adjusted grown ups

and not get allowed the same latitude as the younger ones for some obscure reason

), I can really relate to Ben
It doesn't stop him from being one of the nicest guys in there as the pack try to close in round him and iscolate him more as his weak friends run for the cover and protection of the other gang who are nastier both to them throughout and towards ben .
But hopefully the more observant watchers of BB

will see how the producers are manipulating the situation to help their favourite Shabby to build her tribe and stay in for a right on winner of the last BB

, altho i cant work out how they will manage to turn us all against Steve who , altho he does nowt

, will never be evicted by the GBP in a month of sundays