Originally Posted by Nicklol123
It will go where it went for BB8 onwards probably.
I hate it going in that direction. The walkway is too short.
Originally Posted by Jack_
The crowd should be below a raised stage, this year they are on the same level as the 'stage'.
The front of the crowd are below it, but the people further behind go higher and higher.
Originally Posted by Patrick
The layout this year is crap, it's alot like BB5 only instead of the crowd all going back the ways they are all over the place.
It does however make the show look like a big thing and really popular because they can get more people in and stuff and they are much more spread out but it's messy.
It looks nothing like the BB5 layout. BB5 constantly had the dome.
The fact that the crowd is so monumentally big this year puts too much emphasis on the outside. It's like woah calm down.