how i'm feeling now
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 7,782
Favourites (more):
CBB17: Tiffany Pollard CBB 13: Luisa Zissman
how i'm feeling now
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 7,782
Favourites (more):
CBB17: Tiffany Pollard CBB 13: Luisa Zissman
Mine are...
Lisa (BB7)
Lea (BB7)
Mo (BB9)
Darnell (BB9)
Mario (BB9)
Lisa (BB10)
Kris (BB10)
Steve (BB11)
John James (BB11)
I don't think any housemates annoyed me more than Mo, Darnell, and Mario did though. I literally could not even stand watching them to the point where I had to sometimes fast forward when they were talking. They all ruined BB9 for me.
Last edited by iRyan; 07-09-2010 at 12:27 AM.