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Old 26-05-2011, 03:23 PM #39
joeysteele joeysteele is offline
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joeysteele joeysteele is offline
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Originally Posted by Livia View Post
Every generation of teenagers think that they are a kind of “new breed”. Hormones rage, suddenly you’re classed as an adult and the world is a new place, full of opportunity and promise. You’re introduced to sex and think you’re the only generation who’s ever done it. You imagine that the older generation are totally out of touch with what’s happening and how the modern world is.

What teenagers generally fail to see is that everyone older than them has been a teenager, and despite changing technology, fashion and music, it’s pretty much the same now as when I was for previous generations. I remember what it was like to be a teenager, how unfair or was sometimes, how exciting and fresh everything was. I think the preconceptions are mainly on the part of the teenager many of whom consider anyone over 25 as past it. If you’re lucky, you’ll be older one day, and realise what a terribly short journey getting older is, and how the journey time gets shorter every year. On the plus side, when you do get older, you’ll realise you’ve only been dabbling in sex all this time and that like anything else, practise makes perfect. You’ll realise that you don’t feel any different inside than you felt when you were younger, and that you’re certainly none the wiser. The truth is that the older generation developed the technology you’re using, designed the clothes you’re wearing and produced the film and TV you watch. There isn’t such a divide between generations; the journey from cradle to grave really isn’t that long. But you have to get a bit older to understand that.

As for the miserable bloke who wanted a key cut… he’s obviously one of life’s rude, aggressive, miserable gits. There are lots of them around, and they aren’t all old.
Absolutely first rate post, amazing insight and completely reasoned. I am 19 but agree with all you say. Excellent post Livia.
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