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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: the republic of Dublin
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: the republic of Dublin
Posts: 28,820
No Love For BB4
Got to say its one of my fav's. Yes, not a lot of tension compared to the rest of the BB's before it and after it but i kinda liked it for tha fact that they all got along and never really bitched too much. Ray and Scott were great especially during LF as they sat up all night talking about any old stuff, Fred and Jon were great Hm's sadly lost to early. It did have the boring HM's Cameron (nice man but he didn't really do much), Gos (the most boring HM ever) Steph and Nush who all probably stayed to long.
The Biggest downfall i feel was losing Anouska far far to early. I feel she could have bought a little spice to show and could have had the guys falling over themselfs and had some of the girls getting jealous. I think its one of the top 5 mistakes having that eviction even BB producers knew they screwed up.I don't think se would have stayed that longer but she could have given the show a few great moments.
Anyway anybody fans of BB4?