Remembering Kerry
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: with Mystic Mock
Posts: 43,338
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BB2023: Jordan Strictly 2020: HRVY
Remembering Kerry
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: with Mystic Mock
Posts: 43,338
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BB2023: Jordan Strictly 2020: HRVY
I will watch it likely until Dan or Dexter goes, then that is it for me because it will in part be BB's doing when they do go by their 'engineering' of results.
I am convinced if Wolfy is saved then Dan will be the one evicted this week, it will only then be a matter of time before Dexter is too, as he will from what we are seeing on BB now,be unfairly up every week likely.
Last edited by joeysteele; 02-07-2013 at 09:12 AM.