It's Like I'm Burnt Out
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Grove City, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Posts: 2,129
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CBB2024: Marisha Wallace BB2023: Yinrun
It's Like I'm Burnt Out
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Grove City, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Posts: 2,129
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CBB2024: Marisha Wallace BB2023: Yinrun
Jarrod, that exterior is amazing!!!
"I’ve come this far not to get this close to taste the land of honey. I've come too far, it's too long a road just to trade my dreams for money... ...To let beauty fade, well, that's okay, I'm not afraid. I wanna know what it feels like, what it feels like."
- Aly & AJ • "What It Feels Like"