Gatorade me, Bitch!
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 20,351
Gatorade me, Bitch!
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 20,351
Drugs (SD)
Now that CBB is over, I would like to start a serious debate.
Today's subject is: Drugs.
Some points to discuss might be:
- Do you use drugs?
- Have you ever used drugs, and if so, do you regret it?
- Do any of your friends use drugs, and if so, how do you feel about this?
- What do you think of people who do use drugs?
- Do you class all drugs the same?
- What do you think of "recreational drug use"?
- Do you consider some drugs to be safe?
- Would you like to see any drugs legalised/decriminalised?
- Do you class all drug users the same?
- Do you think the current methadone program is worthwhile?
- Do you think that kids are well enough educated nowadays about the risks of drugs?
Please try to discuss at length and be respectful to others' opinions.