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Old 07-09-2013, 01:52 PM #2
Johnnyuk123 Johnnyuk123 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
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Favourites (more):
BB14: Gina
CBB 11: Speidi

Johnnyuk123 Johnnyuk123 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 18,443

Favourites (more):
BB14: Gina
CBB 11: Speidi


Originally Posted by sampvt View Post
No this isn't a hate thread it's my opinion.
Lauren seems to have a good heart and suffers due to past and present medical and mental issues. She has a strong fan base due to her antics in the house but let's look at her negative points as well.
Her mother has driven her career and is not a nice woman. Lauren is not as stupid as she will have us believe. She has organised and completed a successful campaign to get into the house and when she let's fly, she comes accross As anything but cookie. She eats lives and breaths bb and knows how to get attention. She warned everyone that she walks into walls so she must be funny. On the 3 iccassions I've seen her fall they have all been in front of a large audience and always on her side.
She defunately knows how to milk tge sympathy vote and in my opinion she could teach dexter and the like a few things on game playing.
If she wins it will be yet another bb driven fav but I suspect they have a spin off show in mind so not surprising to see them edit her over the line.
Whereas Sam just slept through BB.
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