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Old 21-07-2014, 10:04 PM #37
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Originally Posted by delta View Post
We have a group in there who perceive them selves as victims. The underdogs as some on here quote, not very good at anything other than watching, monitoring, huddling in secret and bitching their time away instead of getting involved and enjoying the experience they have been given.

Why do these 'B' rated people ever go in there in the first place, they all ready know they are life's misfits, the not so ' cool' kids ?

They feel threatened just by the mere fact that the supposed, better looking, cooler, more interesting kids are in the same room as them and in doing so they pale away, shy away, paint themselves as victims.

For once let's get one of the cool, edgey gang win, instead of reverting to the Mr or Mrs nice show, Oh, he's got good manners, he doesn't swear, he or she is sweet and is an underdog, hasn't done much but that doesn't matter etc, etc etc.

Or failing that, have a reality game show where the Machiavellian can win with out the interference of the makers of the program.
How right you are, and Ashleigh is the worst,she is vile, Chris comes a close second
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