Here's what he had to say about his experience on the show:
Sitting in my place in Los Angeles contemplating my recent trip to London. I have to honestly say, it was one of the most challenging things I have ever done in my 33 year career. To put it mildly, I am THROUGH with reality TV. Unless it is something that would portray me in a better light. I was so naïve about the Big Brother franchise. I had no idea they would use hunger and sleep deprivation to bring out the worst in all of us in that house. But it was what it was. I am pretty sure that this group of housemates pulled the best "numbers" ratings wise of any of the other housemates in 15 years of being on the air. THE SHOW WAS FRAUGHT WITH DRAMA. AND FOR THE FIRST 12 DAYS BEFORE I WAS VOTED OUT FOR BAD BEHAVIOR, MOST OF THE DRAMA WAS COMING FROM LITTLE OL ME!!! I used the "F" word constantly, I screamed like a banshee, I said the most awful things you can imagine (the whole UK seemed to be screaming "you stinking French slut!" when I came out of the house and giving me the thumbs up). Oh well. It was what it was and apparently all is forgiven. I got emails from Frenchie hoping to keep in touch as she lives in Malibu and she even invite me to her birthday party. And Kellie invited me to meet her adorable 13 year old daughter so we had a nice Mexican meal before I left London. And at the Finale, all the members of the house, even Gary Busey, who I had the most problems with introduced me to their families and such. So I guess it is just the "nature of the beast" but I do not plan to continue a career in reality TV. I WANT TO ACT AND PERFORM WHICH IS WHAT I DO BEST!!!!! AND SOMETHING THAT I HAVE A LITTLE MORE SAY IN HOW I'M PORTRAYED!!! But... I must say, the Big Brother producers treated me like... well... a CELEBRITY... and I will be eternally grateful for their support in getting me through that mess.
He should have never went on the show tbh, he is worth more than BB as an entire franchise and was too diva/showbiz for the experience.
Still love him as a person, and he was a brilliant hm. And tbh he seems generally gracious towards the whole thing, just not really the sort of person who would fit into casually.