Originally Posted by Ray.
She'd be a fundamentally boring person to know in the outside world imo. Will not let things go even 2-3 weeks after the fact, and still uses those past events as a rationale to nominate. Kind of pisses on her claims that there was no malice in her and Dean putting up Khaled/Marcello for eviction, too. But we all knew that was a nonsense claim anyway from her anyway. I don't think she believes in a person's capacity to change or grow, either. And that's a scary trait in someone who works in the profession she does.
It's probably why Marcello has given up even trying with her anymore, he's constantly having to defend or apologise for his behaviour. She is still thinking about / bringing up what he did weeks ago. He probably finds it exhausting that she won't let it go.
She holds a grudge unfortunately.