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CBB15: Keith Chegwin BB15: Mark
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Newcastle, UK
Posts: 152
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CBB15: Keith Chegwin BB15: Mark
Big Brother 13: Unlucky for some
I have an idea about Big Brother 13.
13 housemates will enter the house. The 13th housemate would work for Big Brother and would try and sabotage tasks making the housemates fail and only live on a basic shopping budget.
The housemate would make life for the remaining housemates a living hell. In the weeks which follow, the 13th housemate would:
1. Try and manipulate the housemates over who they will nominate
2. Deliberately perform badly on tasks whilst not drawing attention to themselves.
3. Set punishments for housemates such as cold showers, making popular areas like the pool and the garden out of bounds.
Each week, Big Brother would call the remaining 12 housemates to the diary room to guess who the saboteur is. If he or she is found out, she automatically faces eviction and is not allowed to nominate.