Originally Posted by Jack_
Just because some people may be strong enough to cope with derogatory insults being flung at them, and may have a good enough relationship with a certain person to understand what's a joke and what isn't - it doesn't mean that everyone else is the same. Would you tell a 13 year old boy struggling with their sexuality to 'get over it' if they were upset at someone calling them a 'shirtlifter'? It's all about context, and I'm afraid not everyone is mentally strong enough to deal with that - and saying 'well they're going to have to be' is such a cop out since that can't just happen overnight.
Brian Dowling is a grown man, not a 13 year old boy...
And yes a 13 year old will have to 'get over' insults, if meant in a jokey way or not as the world is far more scary than any name calling they may get on a school playground.