Skinny Legend
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 55,533
Skinny Legend
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 55,533
Zoo of Death: 50 animals dead this year alone
The Surabaya Zoo in Indonesia is referred to as the “Zoo of Death” due to the devastating conditions animals endure. Also known as Kebun Binatang Surabaya, it was founded 98 years ago and is the one of the largest zoos in South East Asia.
For only $1 per ticket, visitors can view thousands of emaciated exotic animals in their horrific living conditions.
Roughly 25 animals die at Surabaya every month from unnatural causes, mostly starvation.
Kliwon the giraffe died with a 40lb wad of plastic the size of a beach ball in its stomach. Rozek the tiger starved to death after his digestive tract rotted away from being fed meat laced with formaldehyde. Many other of the large carnivores have been starved and malnutritioned for so long that their bodies can no longer absorb any nutrition. Michael the African Lion was found hanging inside its cage having been strangled by a steel cable. [read an article here]
Those who are not euthanized are starving, and those that do die are rumored to have their most valuable body parts sold
Other Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/4vNko
Petitions: X X
this is awful
The scars on my mind are on replay