Remembering Kerry
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: with Mystic Mock
Posts: 43,337
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BB2023: Jordan Strictly 2020: HRVY
Remembering Kerry
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: with Mystic Mock
Posts: 43,337
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BB2023: Jordan Strictly 2020: HRVY
It was extremely rude, there was a time she would not have shaken Jim Davidson's hand but she learned she ahd been wrong about him in the end.
If she was a one off panellist possibly fair enough to hold back but if she is to be,very sadly, a regular on this programme then she needs to act with professionalism or not be on it again.
The latter, her not on it again, would please me immensely since I really don't like the daft woman.
I'd still shake her hand if it was the norm on a show or programme to do so,so for me she was right out of order, in fact, the way she acted on that panel, I would have removed her from tha panel anyway that night if I had anything to do with it.
She was totally ridiculous.
Last edited by joeysteele; 06-02-2015 at 04:02 PM.