Originally Posted by Smithy
bump following recent events
lots of people seem to be in favour too, can admin (re)consider it 
..I’ve thought about this a lot Smithy because my instinct would have been to agree with you ..and I think if MTM was to ever be reinstated, it should be a new thread with maybe some sort of an ‘advisory’ about the possibility of pics being taken and used in other areas of the internet..?..that might have been in the OP already, I don’t know but the thread has gone atm and it’s admin’s decision as to whether it returns...anyway,..I personally feel that ’private areas’ have been shown not to solve but to create...to create ‘hate’ and to nurture it and to create hurt and to create judgement and to create paranoia etc...nothing positive at all..and I don’t think that creating them here will have any positive effect either...the thing with other sites and chat rooms etc is that they aren’t moderated and so these things can be discussed freely which is cool and everyone’s prerogative to do so and is also natural to do so ..but in doing that, it’s also giving attention/drama and so giving ‘control’ to the people who have tried to control and whose intention has been to control through their decision of who is ‘deserving of hate’.... /spite/abuse/insults etc...but not only those on TiBB because I think it’s also a general enabling of all people who take pleasure out of such things and who think that they ‘have the right to abuse and insult’ just because they can/the internet allows them to do so..you know..?..
..I don’t know that I’ve always understood Admin decisions and stances on the ‘please do not discuss’ thing...but I actually think that this is the only way that we don’t enable general ‘keyboard warriors’.. and especially in the ‘control’ that admin do have and the control that members do have in that all areas stay open and that none of us give any attention, any ‘control’ to people who try to demand it by not giving them one second of our attention or time in discussing them at all/enabling and feeding their ‘drama’/their spite..there is nothing to be ‘hidden’ because people who try to cause misery to others/ people they don’t know at all, really are of no importance/not worthy of any discussion or time unless we let them be by changing things that have been part of the ethos of TiBB ....what I do think though is that there is a positive to be taken from ‘recent events’ in that the forum is not a ‘bubble’ and that the internet in general is not ‘safe’ and that should never be forgotten by anyone with personal things posted...just a little more caution etc is never a bad thing...anyway just my thoughts...